No, I'm looking at feeding my 2 girls every other day in #5's. It sucks, I like 3 to 4 between feeding's. Cursed with thirsty plants. Every day would be a nightmare, but plants for look great and it's tempting to try anyway after what I'm seeing.

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It somewhat is. I have to filter a 5 gallon bucket of water every day and carry it up two stories and across the house, then tend to each plants individual needs. It's a pain, but as you can see so far it's worth it.

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Going on Day 25.

No change in feed, just photo updating for my own future reference.


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Your plants s are monsters for 25 days I would love to do Coco the results are awesome reading your journal I see it takes some time to dial it in.
Question Meet, what do you set that on? I've seen frabric pots set on bamboo sticks to keep bottom dry and stop roots popin through. When left in tray, I've seen issues if not allowed to dry.

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They sit in pots on top of clay pebbles. I put them there for drainage, but they stay fairly wet. I'm going to have to come up with a new solution.

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