New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Everything looks on track....

what's your distance from the light to the top of the plants? Ever since mine were established in veg, I've been 10.5 - 12 inches away.

a 180W UFO should be drawing 110 actual or there abouts.

I'm sitting between 11-13 depending on how much they grow between raising. I'm not seeing any slowing of growth, but I'm also supplementing the LED with 2 27 watt 5000k CFLs, I can't say whether or not, or how much, doing away with those would slow growth. My choices at this point are to add the 125w 2100K(and possibly buy a second), pick up a 400w MH/HPS system, or pick up a 240w or 300w LED for either adding to, or replacing what I already have. What are you thoughts on it? I suppose it's possible that my meter is wrong, but considering the drivers are 1w, and there are 60 diodes with maybe a 5w dip due to circuit resistance from running in series. I might poke my head into the LED section and see if I can find a resident expert to clarify all of this.

hello buddy
just thought id stop by and give you some support you wont be disappointed with led thats for sure its more poweful than we expect lol i have to wear sunglasses if i dont want to be blinded !! well im at about 55 centimetres with my led which pumps out 50 to 55.000 lux which is great for plants (especially seedlings) to grow some say too much wont do them good ideal between 25.000 to 50.000 lux for the plants at the most obviously 25.000 been the poorest of conditions look more to 50.000 lux. 90.000 lux is killing them but hey watch and see obviously i understand people have different oppinions if you want some decent sellers on leds phytoleds apollo series which is what i have or the grow northen series mate you wont be disappointed im following buddy whatever you do and which ever direction you take good luck with the grow buddy happy gardening :peace:

Thanks for stopping by, and for subbing. The issue with my light is more one of principle, where I was sold a product claiming an output of 180w, and what I got appears to be performing at 55w. Beyond the principle of it I'm also trying to provide my current as well as future plants with what they need to provide myself the best medicine possible. I'll concede that the light is indeed quite bright, but bright as an anecdote isn't a measure of future success and I lack the equipment to test things like lumens/lux, CRI or more importantly PAR. Part of me wants to know how the light would perform on its own, but until I have a comfortable number of jars filled with nugs I'm not willing to risk the consequences, maybe that'll be the point of a future grow. Thanks you actually gave me a great idea.

At any rate, I don't want to sound like sour grapes I'm thankful for how well the girls are doing, and that I'm even in the position to be growing my own meds in the first place :-)
Okay, cool...

If our suspicions on that LED are correct, it won't do any harm to have them close but your numbers are perfect, it seems to me.
.: Day 20 :.

After much consideration and a good conversation with Trapper(thanks buddy!) I've decided to pick up a TopLED this week. Specifically the 96 X 3w Reflector model. Continuing on the lighting theme my 125w Apollo Horticulture 2100K CFL came in today, but unfortunately my mogul socket hanger did not so it'll stay in the box for now. I'll probably pull it back out to take a picture tomorrow for a size context in case anyone comes across this post and is thinking about getting one.

I had been putting off tearing apart my LED to replace the broken cheapo fan that came with it, the noise wasn't terrible, and it didn't appear to impede its ability to cool the light. At any rate today I tore it down, pulled out the broken fan, and found a 3 speed Antec that probably improved on the cooling. Now it runs silently, and I feel better knowing there is a good quality fan keeping that thing alive. I got a picture while I was in there with the new fan installed.

Growth has been explosive all day, it had grown a goodly amount overnight, but I wanted to give it until 4pm before I got any pictures of them. I don't know if I've mentioned up to now but one of them has a distinctly skunky smell which has been growing in strength over the last few days. Looks like this grow may test my odor control plan earlier than expected. I wonder what else I might expect from this different pheno, time will tell. Anyway, hope you're all enjoying your weekend, I know I am :-) Peace.

Repair completed


Thing 1

Thing 1.jpg

Thing 2
Thing 2.jpg
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Now I have a Guinea Pig ;) - Ahh, just kidding...I bet it will be a good unit.

Love the new fan...lighted, no less :)

Good work, man!:tiphat:
Thanks Trap, I'm sure it will work out, and I think I'll take you up on your advice to side mount the current LED, I rotate a few times a day anyway, so the lateral light should help with any areas not getting good penetration from above.
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Yeah...get in those little nooks and crannies....:)
.: Day 21 :.

Today has been a very productive day for both growth, and for me. I'm anticipating a stretch coming up so I decided to build the SCROG net using some paracord. I did an over under/under over staggered approach, and reincorced all the intersections as well as at the posts with additional paracord. Hopefully it works well in training these ladies into budding machines :-) This will be my first time doing trellis growing with anything other than tomatoes, pretty excited to see it in action. Well, that's about all I got for today, hopefully something exciting will happen soon. Thanks for reading!

Future SCROG site
Group photo, pretty ladies

Almost forgot the stats
Temp: 75
RH%: 45
Height: 15cm
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Trust me...exciting is just around the corner...:)
HOO-YAH Report FNG!!LOL! hows it goin dude..?!Good I hope.true military man,paracord and standard military grade cordage LOL!Lovin it!bet it'll lend to a damn nice scrog set up too.Plants are looking healthy brother.Keep up the awesome man!Id bet yer scrog net'll be great.ya got line work down Im sure ,sooo your golden bro.

All looking great mate. Interesting read about the leds. Love to see how you get on with scrog, definitely a technique I plan to try in the future.