Well I tried to change my user name to match my other user name on another site. Sent a PM to Son of Hobbes and I was only questioned about my motives and told I can not advertise? I'm not trying to advertise I've been posting updates on my journal for 2 years now has anyone seen me advertise?
After no more responses from SoH I assume he just brushed me off. So I created a new account with my new user name and created a new journal that was locked not even an hour into posting it up.
So this journal is done and so am I with this site.
Hey brother for starters it's the weekend and I have both friends and family that have flown and drove from out of state to see me. I didn't even get your message until Friday, and I'll be the first to admit that even we admin like to grill some steak, drink a few beers and a have toke on the weekend without having to constantly sit on our phones or the computer to take care of site requests.

That said, you literally told me you were starting a business which is why I asked you those questions
Hey SoH, I was wondering if its possible to change my user name and also the title for my grow journal. I recently started a business and so would like to swap out my user name to match everything. Thanks.
Then I asked what your business name was:
The Dealer
the business name is The Dealer's Choice.
When I told you we don't allow advertising without consent, you said:
I'm not selling anything yet I'm waiting on what happens with the Canadian law changes. I would just be selling what I produce in my journal but not looking for advertisment. Just wanted my user name to match the one I use on 420 magazine.
Well we definitely don't allow selling of product. We also don't allow multiple usernames. We also don't allow advertising without consent, which is why your request was not granted (and it's the weekend, had you checked tomorrow morning after I had my coffee, you would of had your response (and even in a very nicely replied manner, because there is no need to be a d-bag about just telling someone the rules and guidelines of their site and business, you know what I mean Vern?)
I read your PM you just sent about having your accounts removed, the new one will be removed due to the above reasons mentioned and brother, you are still MORE than welcome to stay on the site and journal. We just ask you don't advertise your business or try to sell product, which you clearly implied (I mean, verbatim quoted) plans of doing. There is no clever skirt of the rules, at least not on this one, I'm sorry

I hope you reconsider leaving the site, I feel the answers provided here are more than adequate and fair, and hope to see you grow on brother.