db003's - Mars II led - autoflowers in super soil a mix - closet grow ver 2.0

hello everyone I just gave these autoflowers in super soil a watering I used about 5 gallons of plain filtered water for all the plants in this grow it was ph. to 6.7 with citric acid crystals

I have some very bad news this will be my last grow in this closet for now my electricity bill is to high and they want to take away my low income electricity discount so I have no choice but to cut back on how much power I am using and its summer so we are using fans and stuff to stay cool so the bill went sky high I will still have my grow tent but that's it

but I am still going to grow these plants out in the closet I just have to shut it down when they are done

here is a list of what autoflowers plants I am growing in this super soil closet led grow there are 8 in total-

1x The white train auto from mephisto genetics

1x purple skunk-mass auto from critical mass collective

1x Anonymass auto from critical mass collective

1x green crack auto from fast buds seeds

1x Gorilla Glue auto from fast buds seeds

1x Tangie'matic auto from fast buds seeds

1x Blue Diesel auto from advanced seeds

1 x Colorado Cookies auto from Dutch Passion

these plants are in different stages of growth there ages to date are

the 4 in the back are in day [HASHTAG]#49[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2 in the middle are in day [HASHTAG]#43[/HASHTAG] and day [HASHTAG]#36[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2 in the front are in day [HASHTAG]#25[/HASHTAG] from sprout

what is more in the sprit of the 4th of July then smoking a pure cannacigar that I rolled with bud that I grew myself at home

it took me 56 days in total to cure and roll this bad boy it was at a perfect 62% percent humidity when I smoked it and weighed out at 5.9 grams after the full cure of the cannacigar

to be honest its more of a special occasion thing to me I dont think I would want to smoke them all the time they burn so slow I would be totally blitzed real quick lol I prefer my bubbler pipe for everyday smoking

hello everyone I just gave these autoflowers in super soil a watering I used about 5 gallons of plain filtered water for all the plants in this grow it was ph. to 6.7 with citric acid crystals

here is a list of what autoflowers plants I am growing in this super soil closet led grow there are 8 in total-

1x The white train auto from mephisto genetics

1x purple skunk-mass auto from critical mass collective

1x Anonymass auto from critical mass collective

1x green crack auto from fast buds seeds

1x Gorilla Glue auto from fast buds seeds

1x Tangie'matic auto from fast buds seeds

1x Blue Diesel auto from advanced seeds

1 x Colorado Cookies auto from Dutch Passion

these plants are in different stages of growth there ages to date are

the 4 in the back are in day [HASHTAG]#53[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2 in the middle are in day [HASHTAG]#47[/HASHTAG] and day [HASHTAG]#40[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2 in the front are in day [HASHTAG]#29[/HASHTAG] from sprout

hello everyone I just gave these autoflowers in super soil a watering I used about 5 gallons of plain filtered water for all the plants in this grow it was ph. to 6.7 with citric acid crystals

here is a list of what autoflowers plants I am growing in this super soil closet led grow there are 8 in total-

1x The white train auto from mephisto genetics

1x purple skunk-mass auto from critical mass collective

1x Anonymass auto from critical mass collective

1x green crack auto from fast buds seeds

1x Gorilla Glue auto from fast buds seeds

1x Tangie'matic auto from fast buds seeds

1x Blue Diesel auto from advanced seeds

1 x Colorado Cookies auto from Dutch Passion

these plants are in different stages of growth there ages to date are

the 4 in the back are in day [HASHTAG]#57[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2 in the middle are in day [HASHTAG]#51[/HASHTAG] and day [HASHTAG]#44[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2 in the front are in day [HASHTAG]#33[/HASHTAG] from sprout

well another one of these led lights went out again so I said to hell with it and moved all these plants to my grow tent under my 600 watt hps

I just harvested all my plants in my grow tent so for now I think I will finish some out in this grow tent and take some to a friends house and see how there fair outdoors I am not sure yet just tossing out ideas at this point

I need to start a new tester grow so need my grow tent clean and ready asap

I did get a chance to take off all the dead leaves that were on the plants so that's good and I am surprised could fit all eight plants in my grow tent but they barely fit in there

I gave these autoflowers in super soil a watering I used about 5 gallons of plain filtered water for all the plants in this grow it was ph. to 6.7 with citric acid crystals

hello everyone I lot has changed in the past week I will give you the high lights

I gave these autoflowers in super soil a watering I used about 5 gallons of plain filtered water for all the plants in this grow it was ph. to 6.7 with citric acid crystals

like I said in my last update I had another one of my mars II led panels go out again so I said to hell with it and moved all these plants to my grow tent under my 600 watt hps they have been under the 600 watt hps for 4 days now and seam to like it so far

I took the 2 youngest plants and took them to a friends backyard to finish out in the sun I just needed them out of the tent since I plan on starting a new grow around the first of august so now I am down to 6 plants

now my next problem is I have 2 weeks before I need to start my next grow in august so these plants need to go asap lol I am hoping at least 4 of them are ready or close enough to be harvested by the end of the 2 weeks if not I could take them to my friends house and put them outdoors but I prefer to just chop them and get it over

if I could chop at least 4 of the plants in the next two weeks I could let the last 2 plants finish out until harvest with the seedlings for my next grow in my grow tent

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its been about a week since my last update since then I have done a few more things to the plants and the tent

I gave these autoflowers in super soil a watering I used about 3 gallons of plain filtered water for all the plants in this grow it was ph. to 6.7 with citric acid crystals

I took another plant out of the tent and to my friends house to finish outdoors so I am down to 5 plants in the tent now I got until the 1st of the month to get these plants out of the tent so I could starter my next grow lets hope at least 3 of them are finished by then

I also took my 16 inch hurricane fan and put it in the tent since I was not using it in the closet because that little 6 inch clip fan was not doing shit lets hope that helps the plants out a bit from the heat

4 of these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#69[/HASHTAG] from sprout and one is in day [HASHTAG]#63[/HASHTAG] from sprout

ok I know its been a while since my last update just been lazy lol but anyway I harvested a few plants today they were some of the plants I had in my closet grow before I shut down for technical reasons

3 of the 8 plants went to a friends house to finish outdoors and the rest were in my grow tent I harvested 3 plants today and still have 2 more plants in my tent and started 6 more seeds to start my next grow I will post a link to that grow

the plants that were harvested today were

1x purple skunk-mass auto from critical mass collective was harvested on day [HASHTAG]#79[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Anonymass auto from critical mass collective was harvested on day [HASHTAG]#79[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Blue Diesel auto from advanced seeds was harvested on day [HASHTAG]#73[/HASHTAG] from sprout

this time I tried a different technique of trimming and hanging I first plucked all the fan leafs and left most of the sugar leafs and cut the plant at the base and hung it whole

I know that is not new to most but I have never tried it like that before I just cut a single branch and do a wet trim and hang them like that

so the only 2 plants that I have left in my grow tent are both of the fast buds strains that I had this grow

1x green crack auto from fast buds seeds

1x Gorilla Glue auto from fast buds seeds

not sure how much longer the go for and dont care lol as long as I have space for the six seedling that I will be planting in the next few days to start my next grow its all good I will be switching to the MH bulb as soon as the seedlings are ready to be planted so these plants will have to finish out under MH