New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Lol EOF that was some serious enthusiasm for my wake up call. I really do enjoy using paracord, it slides against itself really well, holds well against others, and won't tear under even extreme circumstances. Probably overkill for a scrog net, but I have a lot of it so why not right?

Thanks for the encouragement GMan, I read somewhere plants put on 20% of their weight in the last 2 weeks so hopefully you'll have something delicious to show us all here pretty soon with the RQS NL.
.: Day 22 :.

It's been a few days since I've said it so.... Day 19 from sprout, 22 is from seed.

Today has been a tragic day, I've had the dropsies all day, and just generally not a great Monday. That unfortunate reality followed me home from work and I dropped a tape measure on my plant completely cleanly shearing a fan leaf clear off the stem. I guess I should be happy it was clean, but the asymmetry is going to keep me up at night. At any rate when I dropped the tape measure it knocked some soil onto the floor of my tent so I grabbed my wet vac which I keep for just such an occasion. While I was cleaning up the mess I'd made my wife called my name and I turned around to see what she wanted and thwoop went half a leaf on the other plant so that they can both be equally traumatized. You just can't make this stuff up...

Other than that the mogul hanger came in for my 125w 2100K CFL, so that's now replaced the 5K 27w pair I was using to supplement my led. I've decided to drop the CFL through the net and let it add light to the body of the girls to make up for the lack of penetration of the underpowered LED. At minimum I'll be turning them morning, my wife will cover noon, and I'll turn them twice between late afternoon and late night. That way they'll get a fairly even amount of love. I'll be ordering the new LED on Thursday which should hopefully help with the overall light, and hopefully help make up for my shortcomings along the way in terms of yield.

I'm looking forward to a day when I have so much extra meds kicking around I can start grows that I don't NEED to sustain my supply. I'm not a very heavy user, I'm planning on 3 grams a week which would be around one and a half times what I consume now. Having the need to produce supply is nerve wracking on days like today. Anyway, it has taken me 4 hours to finish this post and I'm just burnt on today so hope you are all having some great growth and smooth sailing today. Peace

Group Photo
Gadzooks, sounds like an episode of The 3 Stooges....Sorry you had a less-than-graceful day. It happens...:)

They still look fine, Thankfully.
WELCOME, WELCOME!! to the wonderful world of growing in confined spaces.LOL!we've totally all done that more than once in most cases.Ive dropped a plant that went all over that ground n sheered a whole flowered branch clean off and snapped a photo flicking a bug off,clean in half.LMFAO!! No worries brother Medi man.gotta do it once er three times to develop a certain way of things that suit you and your growing environment.:pass:

yeah man,they do look just'll slow em down a day er three ,but all should be juust fine.
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Plants in general are pretty tough once they're established. Takes a lot to kill them, like frost weed whackers and 24D.

Nice little bushy ladies!
That sucks man. Keep in mind it could've been worse though.
Nice go looking good mate best of luck on your endeavour I could not even see a leaf missing so not all that bad and one leaf lost does not hurt the plant in anyway PEACE AN POT
Thanks for all the support everyone, it really did my heart good!! I've definitely had worse oh sh!t moments before, yesterday was just a confluence of bad times.

I'm going to skip posting much in the way of updates today but they're doing fine, today was day 4 since I watered them last and they were still borderline but I decided to just get it out of the way today because the RH dipped below 40% today and so far that has been a reliable measure of when they're thirsty. Just to be on the safe side I gave them each a liter, there was still a decent amount of runoff despite going slowly. I think it might just be the nature of my medium. Anyway, I had my wife take pics for me while I was at work so I'll throw those up. Hope your grows are all thriving!!

Thing 1 - The bush

Thing 2 - The beanpole
Thing 2.jpg
.: Day 24 :.

The girls seem to be rebounding from the abuse of day 22, I was worried about Thing 2 yesterday she started to look droopy, I suspected maybe she was having a hard time getting oxygen from the watering despite only getting about half of the normal water. I decided to gently make some holes down into the soil before bed last night and she looked significantly better this morning. Thing one is currently 22cm and Thing two is 20cm, they're about 8cm from hitting the net so here soon I should be able to start training them. I have 49 days from their projected harvest so I'm hoping they start showing some preflowers in the next 7 days so they have plenty of time to put some height on. I'll be ordering the new LED tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to add that to my tent in the next week or two. At that point I might spread the girls out a little to create some space, put the 2 LEDs up higher, and drop the CFL between them to help the lower branches develop faster. I'm beginning to suspect the draw meter is a bad indicator of PAR or LUX. I watched a video with two 90w UFO type where one was drawing 90, the other 64, and the 64 watt model produced 10% more PAR. So I'm hoping that between my two LEDs and the CFL I'll be giving my ladies their best chance at being chubby :-D

Other than that I found another insect but again no sign of insect damage, so I added some traps just in case I get any more visitors.

Decided on just a group photo tonight, there isn't much revolutionary to show, and I've been going full speed all week so I'm lazy. Hope you are all growing monsters!!

Group Shot
My nl exploded from about day 28, vertical growth slowed, preflowers showed and then she started shooting up again.
Looking great man.