New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Thanks Gman, If you mean 28 days from germ that would give me a solid 6 more days of vertical growth, and the rest for making flowers. I can handle that!
Thanks Gman, If you mean 28 days from germ that would give me a solid 6 more days of vertical growth, and the rest for making flowers. I can handle that!

I counted breaking the soil as day 1.
Thanks EoF! They're actually killing me the last few days, I'll probably get more into why in the next couple of days but the TLDR is there is something not quite right and the number of symptoms is making it hard for me to figure out.

Thanks Gman, I'm at 22 days by that standard.
.: Day 25 :.

So I've got some things going on with the girls. It isn't serious yet so I'm just watching for the next couple of days. There is some very minor looking nutrient burn on a few leaves across both plants, only on a small portion of the very edges of the leaves, and a couple of the very tips. Also there is a hole I just found today driven right through a leaf, the hole maybe a little smaller around than the end of a cotton swab. There is no pattern to the hole, it's a near perfect circle. I can't help but wonder if it wasn't a water droplet on a leaf too close to the CFL and I didn't notice it because I turn my plants several times a day to evenly distribute the light they receive. Other than that there are a couple of leaves with places that look almost transparent. None of these symptoms are widespread, or locally significant in size.

On the lighter side of things I ordered my new LED today as well as my bloom nutrients and a really cool looking LED lighted pocket microscope. I think that about rounds out my shopping list until harvest, thankfully.

Now that it is officially tomorrow I'm going to throw a pic up and call it a day.

Well, without seeing the specific anomalies I can't say (guess)...but I can say they look like they're charging right along in the pic!

One question: Are those pots sealed on the bottom? As in, no run off tray? Do I remember you saying you put a layer of perlite at the bottom?

I can't remember....

Hey, that microscope is sweet! Just went on my wish list so I don't forget...
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This is what my pot looks like, they're meant to be used with the bottom snapped in, but that would allow for standing water so I just tossed the bottoms, filled the pot itself with about a half inch of perlite, and then the soil mixture above that. Drainage doesn't seem to be an issue they aren't shy about filling the floor of my tent when they're not thirsty :-) That microscope was a lucky find, I would have ended up with an inferior product if I didn't accidentally come across it.
sounds like a winner buddy.the only recommendation on that scope(since I own many)is Id look for an LED lit jewlers loupe style.those are fine but you pretty much have to shove them onto the flowers.I prefer to keep them off the flowers personally.:smoke:
I'll keep that in mind EoF thanks. The number one reason I got it though was to see if any of my issues are pest related, so for that it will pay for itself several times over. I can't lie though I'll be disappointed if it has to get that close to be able to see resin glands.
Day 27

General Info
  • Yesterday they got cal/mag enhanced ph neutral water, 1.5 liters a piece. The resulting runoff was PH 6.5 which is an upgrade from the slurry I tested Thursday night at PH 6.
  • Thing 1 is looking a little droopy but not excessively. Thing 2 is making a decent stretch and is actually looking better than thing 1, funny how the tables turn.
  • I've done some tucking on Thing 1 to get the fan leaves under the lateral branches since those were the first to start drooping, and I'll be asking them to join the top in a few short days.


  • My new 96 X 3w LED shipped today so I should see that come in at some point this upcoming week which is good because I've decided to unplug the CFL for the time being.
  • I'm testing a hypothesis that the CFL is causing light stress and that may be where a fair amount of my issues are coming from, I started by raising it, and saw a slight improvement, so today I pulled it out, and I'll be using just the LED for the next few days and monitor the progress.


  • Temp: 22C-26C
  • RH: 38%-45%
  • Height 1.) 23c 2.)25c
