Mars Pro ll Epistar 160 Review and Grow by The Mugwamp

Week 8
Into the final stretch :woohoo1:The small Dinafem Auto Cookies has been chopped and dried, 17g so not too bad considering she had problems early on and I thought was gonna die :thumbsup:

The 2nd Auto Cookies is coming on much better and I should get a much bigger yield off her, unless anything drastic happens :rofl: Also I germinated the 3rd and final Auto Cookies seed, well sort of germed it, it was in a wet paper towel for almost a week and nothing, so potted it anyway thinking it was wasn't gonna make it and around 5 days later when I was about to bin it there was a little sproutling :woohoo1:
Day 46 & 6

The 2 Purples are just about ready and will be coming down sometime this week :woohoo1:The Purple Punch is still looking pretty awful, but she's smelling great, what there is of her :thumbsup: The Purple Couskush is looking a little better, she has the furriest buds I've ever seen and she's gonna have a bigger yield than the Punch so that's good :cooldance:
Couskush Day 68 & Punch 70

The Suckerpunch and Cosmic Bomb are coming on a treat :drool: really filling out nicely and I'm guessing at least another week for them :thumbsup:
Cosmic Day 69 & Suckerpunch Day 71

Week 9
The 2 piss poor purple punks have been chopped :woohoo1: The Purple Punch came down first on day 71, she is dry and jarred, she yielded a whole 24g :rofl: buds were quite thin and airy, so without a doubt one of my worst grows, but we live and learn and it can only get better from here :crying:

The Purple Couskush came down a couple of days ago, day 72, and is still drying. She was a funny looking bugger, but she was the frostiest plant I've ever seen with some lovely colours and a slightly bigger yield, hopefully :bow:

The Suckerpunch (Day 77) and Cosmic Bomb (Day 75) are still around 5 to 7 days or so away from being done :shrug: definitely bigger yields than the 2 purple punks, but still not gonna be great, I'm hoping they're gonna yield around 2oz each, fingers crossed, the colas on both look rock hard so there's a good chance :thumbsup:

The 2 Auto Cookies (Day 52 & 11) are doing Ok, the big girl is fattening up nicely and little one is not growing as quickly as I hoped, but she's getting there :thumbsup:

I have started the next grow already, mainly because I don't think I'm gonna have enough weed to last till next harvest :rofl: I am going to be growing 3 photoperiod girls this time and maybe an auto later on. I will start another journal in the Mars section again and this time I shall be going back to basics and then we'll see how the light performs from start to finish, tomorrow I will count as day 1 proper :toke: I have switched the light back to just grow now also.
The Suckerpunch (day81) and Cosmic Bomb(day 82) are finished and have been chopped and trimmed, I'm guessing they are going to be around 2oz each, well I'm hoping, or else I doubt I will have enough to last till this next grow is done.
Final dry weight for the Purple Couskush is 35g, so a little better than the Purple Punch but still not good.
The 2 Auto Cookies are still plodding along nicely, the bigger one is at day 62 and her sis at day 20.

The next grow is underway (autos & photos) and having it's own ups and downs already :shrug: you can follow along with it here Current Grow

I'll be back with a dry weight for the Suckerpunch and Cosmic Bomb in a few days, till then, stay safe and grow big :hookah:
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Final Dry Weight
Suckerpunch and Cosmic Bomb

Well it wasn't quite as big a yield as I was thinking, but not far off. I guessed it would be around 2oz each, but obviously hoping for more, but they both came in just under.
AutoSeeds Suckerpunch 54g

Bomb Seeds Cosmic Bomb Auto 53g

So not the biggest yields, but it should be enough to last till me till the next is batch done, fingers crossed :bow:
The 2 Dinafem Auto Cookies (Day 26 & 68) are doing ok, the little un has been topped a couple of days ago and the bigger one should be done in around a week or so.

That's about it for now, till next time :hookah: