New Grower Medi's Medical grow

.: Day 12 :.

Went to Home Depot for an unrelated item and came across a 160 cfm(max 250) booster fan, so I decided to pick it up for an intake for now, I have the top of the tent vented so exhaust isn't really a problem yet. It wasn't wired so I had to pick up some tape, and a heavy duty cable to wire it up.

I'm still eyeing a legitimate grow tent scrubber setup, I can get a 4" for around 100 USD, and my finance manager(read: wife) has ok'd the purchase, but I'm going to hold out for a bit longer to stretch out the hurt this project is putting on my account :-)

As to the girls they are looking great, the last couple of days they've been growing out, still no up since they popped. So this morning when I got up I saw a little(1cm giver or take) spider all black, very short, with low profile legs just running(very fast bugger) around on the soil of one of the girls, and I chased him around, he got away. I came across him again when I went in to check on temp/humidity levels post intake install and I got him. I'm including a picture though I don't think I was able to get enough focus to do any good in identifying him. Also including pictures of the ladies. Hopefully that spider didn't have a family :\ Tomorrow is water day so I started bubbling some water, and will be adding enzymes, and proper PH adjustment to 6.8 or so which should land right around 6.5 for runoff.

Spider grrrr

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Real spiders are good...IMO.

Carnivores, like Lady Bugs.

Isn't that correct? As long as they aren't those friggen aphids.
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Yeah, I am completely cool with spiders in my area as they'll eat pests. But ONLY if they don't start running webs all over the plants...
Hey, BTW Medi...

Looks great! Right on track!
Lol nice catch man. I found and killed a little bugger myself a day or 2 ago. Except he was just crawling on the floor of my cab. A couple of leaks to take care of anymore venturing in.

whats the fan look like and how big is it? Maybe my Hom3 d3pot has it.
.: Day 13 :.

So today was water day, and I decided that since I'll be home all day and the last water didn't cause any nute issues I'd try a 1/4 concentration of Dynagro Grow with the Sensizym. It's now 5 hours later and they're looking great. I took the pictures about 2 hours after the watering with my wife's camera, which I wasn't entirely ready to use, but they turned out sufficient. They grew overnight, and they seem to be loving their new home, the temps and RH are more consistent, and the reflective material used in making the tent is far superior to the thin Mylar I was using.

All in all I am incredibly pleased with the little ladies. I think I might give them another few weeks alone, and pick up something new, by the time they get here I should know whether or not I'll have room for anything else. I'm still holding off on getting my second light, which shouldn't be a problem since I've been supplementing with the CFLs.

I'm seeing a very slight upturn of the outer edge of the leaves, not sure if that's natural variation, or the very slow start of a cal mag issue. Maybe someone who knows could chime in, if you need more pictures to tell I'll try to use the macro function on her camera. Temp is a steady 77f/25c, and seems to be right where the ladies like it.

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Tent shot, plates are temporary to prevent any standing water in the Mylar tray. One of the cool features of the Misco pots I use is that they're intended to be connected to catches for a sort of bottom feed, but if you unplug them they have little stilts to stay raised above standing water on a flat surface, which is what I do. Intake fan on the right that I installed yesterday.


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I don't know exactly what the curl up indicates...some one will. Otherwise they look right on track on development:)
.: Day 14 :.

I've been trying to post this for the last several hours but it being mother's day I've been busy pampering my wife :-) Today the girls look even better than they did yesterday. I cut the lips off the Misco pots so I could get them a little closer together for the time being. I'm looking at possibly getting a 125 w 2700K CFL with an amazon gift card I got belatedly for my birthday as well as the bloom nutes, and a vertical hanger for the CFL so I can hang it between the plants. If I like the way it's helping I might add a second. I dropped into a Lowes looking for a load meter to test my LED and walked out disappointed because they a.) had no idea what one was or why you'd need it(I told them I was testing a possibly faulty PC power supply) and b.) once educated decided they absolutely don't have one of those infernal witchcraft contraptions.

If I can bank on the 180W LED drawing around 125w then adding the CFL should really help with yield. Other than the random ramblings I don't have much to add, they look good, no drama, and no issues to report. Pics below, hope all you Americans had a good Mother's day!

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Right on track...Great job!