New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Wow, Thing 2 looks fantastic, I think you'll be happily surprised by how much yield you end up with :)

Thanks Trap, I'm really impressed by how big she got, and as the smell matures it has this very strong and distinct aroma that I can't get enough of. My plan is to take it when it gets somewhere between 10-20% amber so that I have a daytime and a nighttime medicine.
.: Day 83 // Harvest 1 :.

The bulk of Thing 1 came down this morning, was trimmed up, and is now sitting on the drying net for the next 3-5 days. I pulled out my microscope yesterday because I couldn't find my 30X loupe and the others I have aren't good at getting a look at the heads. At any rate, at 60X I was able to identify some amber trichomes along the top half of the buds of Thing 1 so I decided I'd let it sit until this morning and do a partial harvest(which I was planning to do anyway). So we'll see how the bottom half matures from here and whether as a lot of people say it begins to hit diminishing returns in terms of energy investment.

Anyway not much else I can think to say, I was able to get a bit of scissor hash, and mixed it with the last little bit of test bud from last weekend and the effect was almost like a fleshy pair of sunglasses on my face if that makes sense. That and great body buzz, for some reason it had almost a numbing feeling in my legs, and the head portion is very smooth and relaxed. I'm looking forward to seeing what a full dry/cure will do to improve the experience as well as the flavor. So I'll throw up a few pics and say adieu until the next update. Peace

Thing 1 post haircut


Post trim


Hanging out in the hammock.


Hey Medi. Spent yesterday sleeping off a night shift, looks like I missed all the fun.

That harvest looks fantastic man. Congrats :)
Great looking meds, Medi...and a nice trim job!
Thanks gents, I don't have any idea how much this harvest will weigh, but I know it smells and looks great!! I decided not to weigh it wet since I left a bunch of stem in there to help me to gauge dryness, as well as to hopefully slow the drying down a bit. I just checked on them about an hour ago and they were pretty dry and starting to smell more faint so I added a humidifier to the room to bring it up above 50%.(found it at 45%). Drying it slowly enough is tough, not sure what the answer is.
The drying is actually done!!!!! I took it all off of the stem and put it in my Cvault this morning to cure, I weighed it first and it came in at 28.4 grams. Considering there's more left on the plant still growing, and an entire other plant left to harvest I feel confident I'll beat my 50 gram goal easily.
The drying is actually done!!!!! I took it all off of the stem and put it in my Cvault this morning to cure, I weighed it first and it came in at 28.4 grams. Considering there's more left on the plant still growing, and an entire other plant left to harvest I feel confident I'll beat my 50 gram goal easily.

Sweet man!
I think I guessed about 80g for the lot so that sounds about right. Have you tried it yet?
The drying is actually done!!!!! I took it all off of the stem and put it in my Cvault this morning to cure, I weighed it first and it came in at 28.4 grams. Considering there's more left on the plant still growing, and an entire other plant left to harvest I feel confident I'll beat my 50 gram goal easily.

Cvault, huh? Had never heard of one until now, but now I gotta get one! Glad u mentioned it!
I have man, and it is really good!! It is actually devastating if I go to far, like thousand yard stare devastating. It has a very dreamy quality to it with a great body stone, but a relatively clear head. Pretty curious to see where Thing 2 lands because much more stoney and I'll have a hard time keeping my eyes open lol!
In short your answer a small confined space with just enough air flow ,literally slow but yet air moving after the initial two day or so moisture build.Once that starts to crip,take it and hang it in small 12 inch er so sections and do that to them after the first two days and watch em if ya think they've drying too fast slow down the air movement and/or cut em longer, if yer in a big room..but thats what I do and get excellent buds..Love to see how yer C vault works out bro.Got my Shiny purple nuggets all pineapple stinky tasting are doing awesome!!Im sorry I only have 2 more more awesome seeds man. usually if you can get the stem to NOT snap abput 5 er 6 days then to yer vault yer doin great sweat.less stem n stuff in the vault,trim it all down.:Sharing One: