New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Oh Ok Sweet that would save me 20 Bucks no I thought being a former SOF you'd know what touch n goes are.its where Pilots take of and fly a pattern and touch their landing gear to the tarmack and take right back off.touch gear n go touch n goes."AFN smoke out"
I was looking for some coded growing term I hadn't learned :P. As far as how it relates I'm still lost, of course I'm still quite sober so that may be the problem ;)
Just a quick update to say more and more of the pistils are drying out, and Thing 1 still seems to be on schedule for a weekend harvest. My plan is to take just the most matured buds so the tops and the growth just beneath that. Everything else will be left to mature so that worst case scenario the bottoms may be stringy but will make some good edibles or extracts. Thing 2 is tentatively going to keep soldiering on for another week. To be honest I'll be happy to see the end of this grow, take a brief break, and then start back up with my newly acquired knowledge and confidence. I took Thing 1 out for a bud and trichome shot of one of the smaller buds so I'll post that up and call it a day. Have a good one all.

Bud Shot


Trichome Shot

Theyre looking taaaasty brother :-D Now comes the dry and cure... f me it was the most intense part! So many things t go wrong and no way of fixing em... not t worry ya ;) lol.

Are you sure demz wormz is safe?? :-o Id be having nightmares about em escaping round my gaff!! lol.
Yeah I could prolly slap something together but I sorta kinda need to spend some to get a nice Tower for indoors for my Back.the lowers dont need to be tended as often if drained n stuff and fed well.Plus I can add to them to make it WAY easier for me for indoors since they go straight up,Awesome.I may stick em in my tent if I ever go back to using half of small and tall for space really.thats why I need something sturdy and a foot squared(or there abouts) and tall' those nice kits are perfectly perfect for someone like me with my size grow and body issues and space confinement.I may just buy some blood worms and get a small something that way Winter comes I can have some Living castings n juice as well as a small bit of composted castings to see how that all actually works.:Sharing One:
Nice and lush medi, sweet, sugary trichs too :)

So the oatmeal, it adds micronutrients or what ?

All the best,

Theyre looking taaaasty brother :-D Now comes the dry and cure... f me it was the most intense part! So many things t go wrong and no way of fixing em... not t worry ya ;) lol.

Are you sure demz wormz is safe?? :-o Id be having nightmares about em escaping round my gaff!! lol.

Thanks Chandy!! I'm not worried I have bovedas and a Cvault, and for drying I got a harvest net. So provided there are no shenanigans I should be good(not worrying, not worrying, not worrying) The worms are definitely safe, they are pretty cool to have around, and even better they seem to be happy in their new home :-D

Yeah I could prolly slap something together but I sorta kinda need to spend some to get a nice Tower for indoors for my Back.the lowers dont need to be tended as often if drained n stuff and fed well.Plus I can add to them to make it WAY easier for me for indoors since they go straight up,Awesome.I may stick em in my tent if I ever go back to using half of small and tall for space really.thats why I need something sturdy and a foot squared(or there abouts) and tall' those nice kits are perfectly perfect for someone like me with my size grow and body issues and space confinement.I may just buy some blood worms and get a small something that way Winter comes I can have some Living castings n juice as well as a small bit of composted castings to see how that all actually works.:Sharing One:

I can understand that. My plan is that I'm using these big 18 gallon boxes, I'll take the other box and drill 1/4 inch holes into the bottom, put some nice fresh bedding in it with some yummy mush and stop feeding them in the lower box and they'll work their way up eventually, then harvest the lower box and repeat. We'll see how it will work out, but I'm thinking it should be fine. That said something like this would be ideal, and I may still get it because I like the idea of wood better.
Nice and lush medi, sweet, sugary trichs too :)

So the oatmeal, it adds micronutrients or what ?

All the best,


Thanks Steely, and no the oatmeal is just food to make them happy and get them nesting. I have read you can adjust the outcome of the castings though by feeding them different things, I need to do more reading though, for now I'm just trying to welcome them to the family :)
.: Day 83 // Harvest 1 :.

The bulk of Thing 1 came down this morning, was trimmed up, and is now sitting on the drying net for the next 3-5 days. I pulled out my microscope yesterday because I couldn't find my 30X loupe and the others I have aren't good at getting a look at the heads. At any rate, at 60X I was able to identify some amber trichomes along the top half of the buds of Thing 1 so I decided I'd let it sit until this morning and do a partial harvest(which I was planning to do anyway). So we'll see how the bottom half matures from here and whether as a lot of people say it begins to hit diminishing returns in terms of energy investment.

Anyway not much else I can think to say, I was able to get a bit of scissor hash, and mixed it with the last little bit of test bud from last weekend and the effect was almost like a fleshy pair of sunglasses on my face if that makes sense. That and great body buzz, for some reason it had almost a numbing feeling in my legs, and the head portion is very smooth and relaxed. I'm looking forward to seeing what a full dry/cure will do to improve the experience as well as the flavor. So I'll throw up a few pics and say adieu until the next update. Peace

Thing 1 post haircut


Post trim


Hanging out in the hammock.
