.: Day 80 :.
I'm still hopeful for a Saturday harvest on Thing 1. I woke up this morning to right around 3/4 dried pistils so I'm just waiting on some amber trichomes to show up. My plan at this point is to take Thing 1 on Saturday, while I'm not an expert I can tell right now Thing 1 is at the peak by the fact that growth has now stopped, and the trichomes are all cloudy and appear to be right about to start degrading. Thing 2 is starting to cloud up but hasn't done that thing where it goes from a light frost to a blanket yet but then almost nothing about Thing 2 so far has been like Thing 1 so maybe this is just the level of frosty I'll get. Thing 1 will come down on Day 83, and tentatively Thing 2 will come down on day 90.
I got the worms in today so I made up their bin with newspaper, some of my supersoil cut with coco and happy frog as well as some oatmeal, some fan leaves I've been saving up throughout the grow, and some coffee grounds I've been saving for the last few weeks. At first my wife had made a quick bedding out of some dry newspaper and my super soil, so by the time I got home from work I had about 50 worms trying to escape the top of the box. I added everything else I just listed and put them back in the bedding, turned on the overhead light for about an hour, and so far several hours later they're all still in their bedding enjoying some oatmeal fan leaf goodness. I had read/seen a lot of people say they have a tendency to try to escape early on so I was surprised to see them settle right down once they got some good food, more bedding(moistened), and some light to discourage exploration. Long story short I'm already super happy to be taking care of these little guys, and glad I was able to give them a happy home, hopefully that holds up.
That's what I got for right now, I did some pruning of dying and wilted/brown fan leaves on both the girls today to get them away from the buds, so they more reflect the care they've had later in life and less the beating I gave the poor ladies early on. Anyway, I'll throw up some post pruning shots and probably next update on Saturday for harvest of Thing 1!!!
Thing 1
Thing 2