New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Thanks Trap, I can honestly say they have exceeded my expectations. The effect is incredible, hard to explain it's very stoney but surprisingly clear headed and energetic and then slowly fades into a more laid back and relaxed body buzz with a clean come down. I'm excited to see where Thing 2 will end up once cut down and dried thoroughly, if it's a bit heavier than this I don't think I'll mind too much since I can definitely use this as a day med.
You deserve to have your expectations've been real strong on tempering your expectations the whole first grow :)

Good job!
You guys are too kind, and Trap the same goes to you man you killed your first grow man. EoF I'll see what I can do, I'm pretty awful at getting close ups with this camera, no matter what I try I can never get it to focus closer than a few inches away.
Starting harvest tonight of all remaining bud at day 89. I now see why last weekend was enjoyable, it's got a really low leaf to calyx ratio so it's a breeze. Thing 2 on the other hand has a lot of leaf and it has been a tedious couple of hours and I'm not done yet. Anyway, break over and I'll get back to trimming. I'll throw up a pic and more later.

Congrats on a job well done!
(Insert Austin Powers Pun:)

"I guess you've got you work CUT...OUT...for you, then?" ;)
I got a photo just now of the last of Thing 2 drying. I weighed in the the dried test cola from Thing 2 I took last weekend at 3.8 grams, so adding that to the 28.4 grams of Thing 1 brings the total up to 32.2 grams. When Thing 2 is finished drying I'll be weighing it in and adding it to the total, I'm thinking it'll actually be quite a bit closer to the goal of 50 grams because I took all of the popcorn buds from the last of Thing 1, and from all of Thing 2 and added them to the future hash pile(trim + small/underdeveloped buds). Anyway, going to run out for a few things for the next grow so I'll throw up a pic of the buds in the net and be done with it. Have a good weekend ladies and gents.

Thing 2 drying

Looking great, Medi.....very delicious meds drying there...:)

Love how the screen allows for drying underneath instead of allowing moisture to get trapped at every resting position...gonna do that next time myself. :)

Really nice trim job too.