New Grower Medi's Medical grow

I just googled cvaults. Those are pretty cool. Your grow looks great what was the significant differences between thing 1 and thing 2? I am definitely going to use those broveda packs this next one. On something i read about them, it said they took a freshly cut plant and placed in a container with 62%er, they didn't open it for 1 year and it maintained that RH %. I couldn't wait a year, I can barely wait for the thing to grow. But looking good.
Thanks GZ I completely agree with you, I found myself wishing I had a little more to trim because I enjoy doing it and I was worried I'd be swimming in a sea of hell before I got half way done so having a smaller amount to trim at once is nice. I have a feeling I won't feel that way with Thing 2, she's a monster right now, I took a pic of her that is intimidating for the upcoming trim. Here's hoping our plants pans out some more weight with the extra time!

Pic of Thing 2 from yesterday:


Holy smokes Batman! Wooow.
In short your answer a small confined space with just enough air flow ,literally slow but yet air moving after the initial two day or so moisture build.Once that starts to crip,take it and hang it in small 12 inch er so sections and do that to them after the first two days and watch em if ya think they've drying too fast slow down the air movement and/or cut em longer, if yer in a big room..but thats what I do and get excellent buds..Love to see how yer C vault works out bro.Got my Shiny purple nuggets all pineapple stinky tasting are doing awesome!!Im sorry I only have 2 more more awesome seeds man. usually if you can get the stem to NOT snap abput 5 er 6 days then to yer vault yer doin great sweat.less stem n stuff in the vault,trim it all down.:Sharing One:

Yeah, I would have liked it to dry it better, but what I ended up doing was when it got too crispy(even after a good squeeze) I'd return it to the cvault, take it out when it got noticeably moist again, and put it back on the net. I did that several times leading to this morning, now I'm just keeping it in the cvault from here and leaving it open an hour or two each day to let it exhaust. I'm thinking by this weekend it'll be good to just finish out the cure as normal, waiting on my hygrometer so for now I'm using touch and intuition, hopefully it'll be here by Friday. Part of the problem in my house is that my closet sits about 75-77f and 40-45% RH, everywhere else is colder with a bit lower RH so there is no ideal location to dry. I'll get it sorted out at some point, each grow will get better than the last barring any disasters.

I just googled cvaults. Those are pretty cool. Your grow looks great what was the significant differences between thing 1 and thing 2? I am definitely going to use those broveda packs this next one. On something i read about them, it said they took a freshly cut plant and placed in a container with 62%er, they didn't open it for 1 year and it maintained that RH %. I couldn't wait a year, I can barely wait for the thing to grow. But looking good.

Thanks Panic, the differences were in taste, appearance, growth style/rate, and even trichome production was significantly different(thing 2 has been a late bloomer) To my eyes Thing 1 has a really refined low calyx/leaf ratio like what I'd call a showroom dutch bud and Thing 2 has a really rustic Afghani look with much higher leaf ratio, and that danky earthy smell like a Kush has. I like them both for different reasons so I think it'll be nice to have the variety around!! I was stoked when I came across a post about them a couple months ago and ordered one immediately because the bud I had at the time was super dry and I thought it won't make it better, but it might make it less lung shredding(which it did) Oddly enough the stuff had an awful taste when I got it, that dirty old weed smell, and when I re-hydrated it with the cvault/boveda it took on an earthy fruity smell and taste, so it can definitely rescue bud in at least some instances.

Holy smokes Batman! Wooow.

Yeah man, I'm really psyched to get into this little lady!!!
Well in essence thats what the oldschool dry n cure dudes do.I was working my way through that until I got sick and looked into it a lil.All that yer doing is a much more manual way of slowly pulling the deeper inner essential oils out along with excess water n stuff to a certain level..hence ye Ole Boveda packs.Simple money making natural methods..Awesome,so I got tired of the five year game in learning how to dry..Gives ya a solid appreciation of what it takes to produce some damn fine bud man.thats fer
put crispy in dry..tomm take it out wet..let it crisp again to a point then repeat..for weeks you can do that dance man..LOL!! pain in the ass!LOL!

Dude ya know what I just remembered.Id go dig it up right now but storms are rolling through.Rice bag man.I remembered that fucker today man.ill grab mine in a few days..Damn thunder man.. L8r.:Sharing One:
Well it apparently worked quite well as when I got home from work yesterday I grabbed a good sized nug and it was really dense and had taken on a bit of a vaguely fruity smell. The taste is still that citrus/pine/chlorophyll though so I'll be continuing the burps until it's *just* citrus/pine. I got a picture of some nugs sitting in the top of my MFLB tin.

Those nuggs look superb man. I just treated myself to an Arizer Solo. Can't get over how different weed tastes. It's something else. Those citrus tones are fantastic when vaped :)
Thank you Gman, and yeah man that was one of the first things I noticed too with my MFLB, how good and how clean it tastes. I get a very distinct citrus front end and then pine on the back end of the exhale with a lingering pine afterward.

I took a test nug of Thing 2 on Monday, trimmed and started drying it, and was able to sample it last night. Much more distinct skunk taste with that earthy Kush flavor on the back end, and I don't have much to report after that because I was asleep fairly quickly unfortunately. Hoping it was a once off because I'd hate to end up with a bunch of straight to sleep buds.
Well it apparently worked quite well as when I got home from work yesterday I grabbed a good sized nug and it was really dense and had taken on a bit of a vaguely fruity smell. The taste is still that citrus/pine/chlorophyll though so I'll be continuing the burps until it's *just* citrus/pine. I got a picture of some nugs sitting in the top of my MFLB tin.


Beautiful buds served on a silver platter! What more could someone ask for?!
Thanks TGB, I'm sure you'll be enjoying a similar spread in the near future buddy!!
Those look fantastic, Medi.....:)

Nice meds! Nice frost factor!