New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Congrats on a job well done!

Looking great, Medi.....very delicious meds drying there...:)

Love how the screen allows for drying underneath instead of allowing moisture to get trapped at every resting position...gonna do that next time myself. :)

Really nice trim job too.

Thanks man and yeah definitely good for preventing too much moisture, not as good at preventing it becoming too dry, still trying to work that out, going to do what I did last time and let it dry a full 24 hours and then move the humidifier in the closet and let it come up above 50% humidity so it can dry out more slowly. I like a nice close trim to speed up getting that chlorophyll taste out, but I of course lose some weight cutting even the more sugary leaves down closer to the bud. The way I look at it even at 50 grams and the resulting concentrates from trim/popcorn I'll have meds to last me for 4 or 5 months so why not cut it closer?

Looks great man. Congrats :)

Thanks man, have you been enjoying yours still or is it gone? I can't remember if you did a smoke report of the NL was going to compare notes :D
Looks like it turned out pretty damn we'll bro!

how she taste ?

Thanks SSD, I can't complain with how they turned out. Thing 1 is very heavy citrus, with a sweet piney aftertaste, the muskiness that comes through on the smell isn't present in the smoke/vape so far unfortunately since that's one of my favorite flavor notes in cannabis. Thing 2 has a very strong earthiness in the front end with a skunky finish. And of course both still taste a bit green so I think I'll be able to pick up much more nuance as it cures. I'm equally as curious about how your cream caramel tastes dude.
I didn't do one for the nl. To be honest I didn't do it justice. Messed up the dry a bit, rh in the 70s, very slow to dry. It's been curing for 2 months and it's only now getting good. Lovely citrus smell & taste, not very potent - heady high.
You still have seeds though right? I think you should give it another go some day as a redemption grow :-D I'll probably move on to WoS NL X BB or CotC Cash Crop(NL X BB) the next time I grow an NL though. It will be a good while though probably between the BAMs and some other things I've got on the way.
I've got 3 rqs nl and a wos nlxbb. Will definitely try again :)
I've got enough auto seeds to see me through a couple of years - I know what I'm trying after the amnesia already ;)
I posted up a strain/smoke report yesterday in case anyone is interested.

Also I weighed in Thing 2 and the remainder of Thing 1 and this grow comes to 66.5 grams which considering I got about an ounce of trim/popcorn is a pretty solid haul as far as I'm concerned so I'm a happy camper

I've got 3 rqs nl and a wos nlxbb. Will definitely try again :)
I've got enough auto seeds to see me through a couple of years - I know what I'm trying after the amnesia already ;)

I know that feeling!
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I posted up a strain/smoke report yesterday in case anyone is interested.

Also I weighed in Thing 2 and the remainder of Thing 1 and this grow comes to 66.5 grams which considering I got about an ounce of trim/popcorn is a pretty solid haul as far as I'm concerned so I'm a happy camper

I know that feeling!

Well done Medi. That's a decent haul man :) Will check out your report, I did one yesterday for the Roadrunner.

I've not updated in several days because I haven't had anything to report really, the buds have been curing up nicely, I've been getting insanely medicated and possibly overdoing it a bit, and all is pretty much at an end for this thread other than chit chat. I gifted quite a decent amount of Thing 1 to a friend who blew out his knee while in the marines, and some more to a friend who made me a really nice bubbler out of the blue so I wanted to do something nice in return. What I have left now is 38.4 grams of really nicely cured meds and an ounce of assorted trim and under developed(though perfectly frosted) nugs which will be turned into concentrate, eliquid, and coconut oil when I can get off my increasingly lazier butt.

So that's that, I've been trying to get my DP Blue Automazar to pop but 3/3 failed using 3 different methods(water/paper towel/soil) so I put a WoS Afghan Kush Ryder bean into the soil and hopefully that works out. Several hours later I got back from work went to go spritz the top soil and found fungus gnats so now begins the war :-D Anyway, I'm going to wrap it up and post a picture of the inside of my XL CVault along with my new bubbler because it's awesome and I want to share :-) Hope you're all growing some giants and until next grow I'll be seeing you on your own threads.

:Sharing One:






Looks like I actually have springtails, and not fungal gnats. From what I'm reading they're actually beneficial and not harmful so I'm going to let it ride and see what happens.
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