New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Hey everything is looking impressive! I am about 30 days behind you in my grow but i just ordered a topled 150w reflector and seems like your led has worked well. Do you like the tent? I know you mentioned odor problems but would a carbon filter help? Any light leaks or issues with the tent fabric?

I have a carbon filter but am still smelling a slight odor during veg like you but i am using a cabinet grow space. I was thinking of that same tent for the future.


I wouldn't say they are problems, but yeah I've had odor, and I'm sure a carbon filter would eliminate 99% of it. I've been using an Ona block outside the tent(in the closet) and an ozone generator in the room outside the closet, and so outside of my bedroom there is no smell. I'll pop in to your grow and have a look. The tent is incredible in terms of quality for the price there is not a single thing I'd change about it. The Reflector series light has done right by me as well, so again nothing I would have done differently.

I think I'm getting what you're saying. Just to be clear, though, the main branch is also bent under, correct? Place the net about a foot above the surface of the soil, and when the main branch has grown about an inch or two taller than the net, bend it under, and do the same with all the peripheral branches. Sorry for seeming so dense, I just gotta double check, or else I will 2nd and 3rd guess myself when it comes time to actually start scrogging

Exactly TGB, and you're not being dense, you're being cautious, it's fine to be a nervous parent :-) So just grow it above the net, and go ahead and lay it somewhat sideways, don't force it into a 90 degree bend obviously, but you want it to stay mostly under the net. Give that a day or two and you'll see the start of other stalks growing up through the net, when one of them shoots above the others bend it. Once most of the shoots are up through the net start moving them to the furthest hole they can reach so that you open up the middle of each plant's canopy,this will allow for the secondary growth on each shoot to really develop.

Your plants look amazing. Nice to see that the ol girl pretty much recovered from the accident as well.

Thanks Freiya!! I'm ecstatic with the fact that I nearly killed Thing 2 and instead I accidentally supercropped her :-)
Carbon filters are amazing open the tent take a big whiff and get knocked out by the smell, close the tent and stick ur nose in front of the duct coming out... nothing.
.: Day 54 :.

Temp: 26C-28C
RH: 45%-50%

Today I watered with the last dose of Big Bloom, Bio-Bloom, and Topmax added to distilled water. They're looking good and filling in quite well with around 25 days left to go. I used my phone and my 30X loupe to get a picture of one of the lower tops to see if I could get a shot with trichomes and it worked out ok. There's more purple in the photos today because I decided to add the UFO back to the tent so that brings it up to an actual 240w draw now. I mounted the UFO at around a 45 degree angle just a bit above the canopy to allow it to get the lower growth some more light, so we'll see how that goes. Other than that not a lot going on, this post has taken me the better part of the night and I'm medicated now so going to wrap it up, have a good weekend all!!

Group Shot


Bud Shot

WOW.....just gorgeous:) love that canopy with all the bud sites above the cord
Thanks a lot Trap, really appreciate the encouragement. I'm starting to think my dream yield of 1+ ounce per plant is reachable if it continues at this pace.
1 oz per plant easily man!

Are you doing anything with the branches that are much higher than the others? My nl stretched like that and didn't do too well.
Believe it or not those are growing despite two bends a piece, in other words they're significantly longer than what you see. Thing 2's main cola is filling in nicely but Thing 1's looks like it'll have 3 distinct buds rather than a cola of justice like I'm looking for. When you say it didn't do well do you mean the main didn't do well or the main made the other bud sites not do as well? I'm noticing the main colas were the last to get trichomes and even still don't have as much as I'd like to see, also their leaves are fading faster than the other buds sites' are.
With mine, due to the lst, it was a side shoot that took over as the main cola. For whatever reason it stretched more than the others but was really underdeveloped.
Thanks a lot Trap, really appreciate the encouragement. I'm starting to think my dream yield of 1+ ounce per plant is reachable if it continues at this pace.

Oh, yeah...without a doubt. :)
With mine, due to the lst, it was a side shoot that took over as the main cola. For whatever reason it stretched more than the others but was really underdeveloped.

When you say underdeveloped do you mean premature or just stringy/airy?

On an unrelated note my BAM/AKR beans came in today and I ordered all my super soil ingredients this morning so grow 2 is now fully funded and on its way!!!