Hey everything is looking impressive! I am about 30 days behind you in my grow but i just ordered a topled 150w reflector and seems like your led has worked well. Do you like the tent? I know you mentioned odor problems but would a carbon filter help? Any light leaks or issues with the tent fabric?
I have a carbon filter but am still smelling a slight odor during veg like you but i am using a cabinet grow space. I was thinking of that same tent for the future.
I wouldn't say they are problems, but yeah I've had odor, and I'm sure a carbon filter would eliminate 99% of it. I've been using an Ona block outside the tent(in the closet) and an ozone generator in the room outside the closet, and so outside of my bedroom there is no smell. I'll pop in to your grow and have a look. The tent is incredible in terms of quality for the price there is not a single thing I'd change about it. The Reflector series light has done right by me as well, so again nothing I would have done differently.
I think I'm getting what you're saying. Just to be clear, though, the main branch is also bent under, correct? Place the net about a foot above the surface of the soil, and when the main branch has grown about an inch or two taller than the net, bend it under, and do the same with all the peripheral branches. Sorry for seeming so dense, I just gotta double check, or else I will 2nd and 3rd guess myself when it comes time to actually start scrogging
Exactly TGB, and you're not being dense, you're being cautious, it's fine to be a nervous parent
Your plants look amazing. Nice to see that the ol girl pretty much recovered from the accident as well.
Thanks Freiya!! I'm ecstatic with the fact that I nearly killed Thing 2 and instead I accidentally supercropped her