there is two plants there in one flo-grow system.. they seem to have been battling for root space, which has stunted their growth. also had a massive problem with feeding from the start, one was getting too much feed the other not enough, resulting in some very mutated plants.. he has learned his lesson a and will only be growing one in the system once this grow is done. if i put my maxi next to his you would never believe they are the same strain.. all of our plants smell and look different.. not long to go now!!
shhiiiiittt.... really bad day guys.. the plant has been cut!!!!:cry::cry:
somebody i know has got busted today he only lives a few doors down and i dont trust him at all.. so i had no choice..
heres the final pics i got today of the plant growing..
thanks for watching this journal guys, the next one i will be completing as i will be living somewhere little bit safer..i knew all along this place was high risk and was going to cut it as soon as i have any trouble.. luckily theres some bud on it, but i really wanted atleast another week for a flush..
anyways next growroom is allready set ill get some pics tomorrow
thanks man.. yeah im on a my last caution for mj, so safe than sorry is the only option.. growing in a family house with teens about is hard, they cause alot of greif round here.. resulting in people getting busted..
time to get myself a new home...that nobody knows about..
That sure sucks, but safety first, right? You did a killer job with this grow, so I'm also looking forward to seeing what you do in the future!
+ rep for some great growing!
im hoping the next one will go a bit sweeter, i have learned a lot of things with this grow, things can only get better!!
iv finally found a place to trim her up a bit, so ill put some pics up soon..
just waiting for that.. BANG BANG on the door atm, it makes going on a.f.n a nuicense...
hey mods.. can you delete a profile fast if need be?? a.f.n is all the evidence i have and they need lol...
so i went and trimmed up the plant today and forgot to take my camera..:no: i brought a little bud home for a quick dry sample.. here is what it looks like..
so i had my bud at a warmer temp for a day and its dried, iv got to say, this maxi gom is the best tasting speed dried weed i have ever grown, its got a very sweet skuny taste, even after a quick dry!! im really looking forward to the final taste once cured.. going to be some top smoke..
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