New Grower CBD Auto-grow Journal v1.02

All of the actives in cannabis are increased by UVA/UVB. IMPE with growing 1:1 THC/CBD plants the ratio remained the same as the THC went up because the high did not increase. The science is weak because nobody cared about CBD in the past. That has changed now and some good science should be coming. I am running a Dinamed CBD plant right now and will be using Pure UV the last 3 weeks of the grow. Get one of these and be really careful not to work in the tent with it on. A guy on the web showed pictures of blisters he got in just a few minutes under this lamp. Don't look at it either as it will cause cumulative retina damage. You only need to run it 15 minutes a day during the middle of your lights on period. AgroMax Pure UV , Sunblaster fixture.
One of the "assumptions" was that because plants at high-altitude are exposed to higher UV, the trichome productions were higher to protect them from the radiation. So it's not the cannabinoids doing the protection, but rather the reflectivity/refraction off the trichomes that reduces the exposure...??? My thoughts... Aside from THC, CBD..etc, my concern was a process of increasing the THC-V levels, aside from getting African Sativia strains. THC-V is a newer cannabinoid that has been getting more interesting with respect to weight Loss, PTSD, Anxiety.
One of the "assumptions" was that because plants at high-altitude are exposed to higher UV, the trichome productions were higher to protect them from the radiation. So it's not the cannabinoids doing the protection, but rather the reflectivity/refraction off the trichomes that reduces the exposure...??? My thoughts... Aside from THC, CBD..etc, my concern was a process of increasing the THC-V levels, aside from getting African Sativia strains. THC-V is a newer cannabinoid that has been getting more interesting with respect to weight Loss, PTSD, Anxiety.
@CBDJunkie I am not a scientist with a lab. I am a grower with medical and recreational users that use my homegrown cannabis. I can say without hesitation that all of my users including myself noticed a large improvement in the potency of the THC in my cannabis when I started using that AgroMax pure UV lamp. The effects of THC can be judged by consumption you do not need a lab. It stands to reason that it would increase all of the cannabinoids not just THC.

I tried to grow some Kilimanjaro this grow but did not successfully germinate the seeds. I found out later that it can take 21 days or more to germinate them. I gave up on them too soon.
Spider mites......
Thought I was going to report that I hadn't seen any new outbreaks, but I have just found a new area, now on the sugar leaves of a bud that has some live activity. Now having treated with a spinosad three times, I am ready to try something else. But I need to be able to treat the buds with no harmful residuals. Was pondering AzaMax from General Hydroponics. I'm getting kinda desperate as these buggers will survive the dry/cure process. Is there re4ally a way to save this plant? :yoinks:
Spider mites......
Thought I was going to report that I hadn't seen any new outbreaks, but I have just found a new area, now on the sugar leaves of a bud that has some live activity. Now having treated with a spinosad three times, I am ready to try something else. But I need to be able to treat the buds with no harmful residuals. Was pondering AzaMax from General Hydroponics. I'm getting kinda desperate as these buggers will survive the dry/cure process. Is there re4ally a way to save this plant? :yoinks:
I don't know. Thankfully I have not had to deal with them indoors. This is a link to a page with lots of info. and I think we should query @Waira about your situation. After your plants are done you can use the hot shot pest strips to sanitize the tent and grow room.
I don't know. Thankfully I have not had to deal with them indoors. This is a link to a page with lots of info. and I think we should query @Waira about your situation. After your plants are done you can use the hot shot pest strips to sanitize the tent and grow room.
...Notes for myself and @Waira
The infestation is really not bad(yet). Having trouble getting the heat down, even with an aircon. It's been very warm/hot this summer here. 75-80 deg F is about the min temp, aside for at night I can get to 70. The plant is very full with about 4 wks to go in flower. I could cut down the leaves and even the flowers if need be to minimize the mite excursions. As it stands nowt would be safest to harvest/trim this girl outside so as to avoid contaminating my house....or at least in the grow room where I will "HotShot" the room afterwards. I don't now if these mites would continue to consume the plant after it has been harvested and dried, or if the lack of chlorophyll will make them go away. I may spray them a forth time while I wait for Waira's reply or I may order AzaMax.

DAMN! just ordered AzaMax, but it contains the same active ingredient, spinosad.Don't know of anything else that will allow me to apply directly to the buds that won't alter taste or be toxic.
...Notes for myself and @Waira
The infestation is really not bad(yet). Having trouble getting the heat down, even with an aircon. It's been very warm/hot this summer here. 75-80 deg F is about the min temp, aside for at night I can get to 70. The plant is very full with about 4 wks to go in flower. I could cut down the leaves and even the flowers if need be to minimize the mite excursions. As it stands nowt would be safest to harvest/trim this girl outside so as to avoid contaminating my house....or at least in the grow room where I will "HotShot" the room afterwards. I don't now if these mites would continue to consume the plant after it has been harvested and dried, or if the lack of chlorophyll will make them go away. I may spray them a forth time while I wait for Waira's reply or I may order AzaMax.

DAMN! just ordered AzaMax, but it contains the same active ingredient, spinosad.Don't know of anything else that will allow me to apply directly to the buds that won't alter taste or be toxic.
AzaMax is a good move from what I have read. It does not contain spinosad. Here is a link to the label.pdf

ScreenHunter_129 Jul. 30 10.43.jpg
:toke:... CBD', is this on the more mature plant, or early budding one,.. both? I know from others' wars that the 1-2 punch of Azamax and spinosad alternating sprays is more effective than either alone,.. alas, as you know Aza' is still stinky and more heavy in residues,... usually a wetting agent should be used as well with both to help penetrate their natural repellency,... these are both contact "poisons", and they don't kill instantly,.. a solid dousing though will sicken them, and they stop feeding, then croak out a day later or so,... some will outright drown if wetting agent is used... So, for maturing bud, it spinosad alone... late in he game, you can remove a lot of the fans and more infested leaves as well,... spinosad does break down after several days, and remains soluble.... perhaps look into that bud washing technique (google it, I see more info than ever now,... found this),... @Heavily Medicated here had a major war, and got a nice save all said and done,... pretty sure he used a rinsing method,... his infestation was far worse than your too,... Ah, yes, as you see , no spinosad in Azamax....:amazon::goodluck:
@Mañ'O'Green @Waira - Great feedback. I now have some hope...

Sprayed down plant with Monterey Garden Insect Spray(Spinosad) for a forth time. with each new treatment I have been more diligent and used more solution. This time I used nearly a gallon spraying the plant and the inside of the grow tent. Should have done this the first

Irrigated the plant this round with pH - 6.1 treated water to 10-15% runoff.

The writeup on seemed to infer, (at least that is how I read it), that AzaMax was a spinosad, but the label proves otherwise.

According to Waria, however, AzaMax at this stage in the game may not be advisable so I cross that road if and when I come to it. The plant washing at harvest time seems plausible and will consider it - a bit worried about the mold issue though. Need to read the instruction closer.
@Mañ'O'Green @Waira - Great feedback. I now have some hope...

Sprayed down plant with Monterey Garden Insect Spray(Spinosad) for a forth time. with each new treatment I have been more diligent and used more solution. This time I used nearly a gallon spraying the plant and the inside of the grow tent. Should have done this the first

Irrigated the plant this round with pH - 6.1 treated water to 10-15% runoff.

The writeup on seemed to infer, (at least that is how I read it), that AzaMax was a spinosad, but the label proves otherwise.

According to Waria, however, AzaMax at this stage in the game may not be advisable so I cross that road if and when I come to it. The plant washing at harvest time seems plausible and will consider it - a bit worried about the mold issue though. Need to read the instruction closer.
I have done bud washing and had no problems with mold. The Baking Soda, Lemon & h2o2 kills any mold on the buds. Then a good fan with lots of air movement in the drying area dries the excess water fairly quickly.
Blue Cheese: Seed - April 27 | Induced Flowering - June 18 | Flush Aug ? | Harvest - ? | flowering - wk 6

Fertigate wk 8 nutes@ pH 6.1 & 120%(2.5g with 10% runoff)
First runoff - pH 5.9
coco pH 1hr after - 6.2
No obvious signs of mites.