Extraction Magical Butter Machine

magic butter-butter 2hr 160F

magic butter-oil 1hr 160F dont forget soy and/or sunflower lecithin

magic butter-Tincture Everclear is what I perfer. glycerin dont have the punch I require. 4-12 hours 130F

reducing you'll need an induction plate for thee safest way imo. then you'll be able to make lotions and so on. waiting for materials then ill be doing lotions too :D ALCOHOL ONLY can be reduced,not glycerin or oils.
put in whatever quantity of bud/trim you want. pour in some alcohol and let the weed soak it up. You want the weed in the end to be just barely covered with your alcohol. Also, the stronger the alcohol, the stronger the tincture. use no heat or 130F for 1 hour. You end up with green dragon and wet powder!

You can also evap part of the alcohol if its not strong enough for you don't reduce by much more than 20% or the oils will start to fall out of suspension.

Has anyone made a good green dragon(ethanol tincture) with this device? I tried the recipe that's stickied in this forum, but it came out super weak. I'm looking to make something that's strong enough where you only need one or two droppers full to get a good buzz.

Also would like to make e-juice that I can put in a regular old vape that you'd use for nicotine, with a tank and all that.

If this is effective for those, I'm definitely in for one.
yeah you'll reduce the tinc at 30min per cup roughly looking for a lightly warmed thick syrup consistency. then its ready. yeild roughly 1.5 teaspoon per cup. strong eh?LOL! a boil then reduce heat to a low mild simmer stirring often with non stick tools and voila !! :)
My problem now is I have no place to evaporate the alcohol for my RSO. WON'T do it indoors, 18F outside..... might be ready by spring......lol!

yeah you'll reduce the tinc at 30min per cup roughly looking for a lightly warmed thick syrup consistency. then its ready. yeild roughly 1.5 teaspoon per cup. strong eh?LOL! a boil then reduce heat to a low mild simmer stirring often with non stick tools and voila !! :)
i did mine outside.LOL was below freezing,wanna say 24F with a windchill soo it was cold.ran it three times checking and restarting so it was kick your teeth in strong for a trim bases tinc LOL! flowers are next with reduction WOOOO oils on ye ole wee areas.hope that = PAIN FREE'ish LOL but the induction plate will be done in the garage with the compressor OFF LOL