Extraction Magical Butter Machine

Butter 1 hr... I forget the temp... I have to check my notes...

I've also made olive oil infused. We prefer VG and coconut
VG has so many uses. im glad you said 4 hours, their book says 4 or 8. what ratio do you use per cup, they recommend 28g max
I use trim and some popcorn when I have it and fill it to the min line for a small run. Halfway between max and min for a larger run. Then I just fill the VG to max line. Sorry I do it by eye...

2 1/4 tsp Sunflower lecithin
Awesome @Dudeski !! I dont have one but im onboard..Glad you started a thread for when i get mine!!! Reports,i need reports!!! Bwahahahaha...
It sure was easy to use and clean afterwards. i will post as soon as something is baked. it is festivus ya know and i can bake a cookie!
For decarbing ... price just dropped and there's a Coupon somewhere ... Mine is 'in the mail' ... BayLee420 swears by his ...

Ardent Nova / Lift ... http://www.ardentcannabis.com/
I don't recall the "original" amount those were selling for but that seems a significant price drop!
Discount code of "Decarb" on the Ardent website for $20. So very tempting...