Extraction Magical Butter Machine

what's a garage..................lol! Wish I had one lots of things would be different!

i did mine outside.LOL was below freezing,wanna say 24F with a windchill soo it was cold.ran it three times checking and restarting so it was kick your teeth in strong for a trim bases tinc LOL! flowers are next with reduction WOOOO oils on ye ole wee areas.hope that = PAIN FREE'ish LOL but the induction plate will be done in the garage with the compressor OFF LOL
I have spent the last 6 weeks working on my garage for just this purpose. And to hopefully have a box to grow in as well.

Just the eth smell is intense outdoors
OK all you MB Machine experts....I'm like 80% thinking I want to get one of these, so help push me over the edge....

I'm starting to get a large accumulation of rosin chips that I need to start figuring out if I'm going to try to get a second use out of or just toss. MB Machine is one of the top contenders for something I think would work well with them. I'm not huge on edibles, but enjoy them now and then. Have been reading up more on tinctures, and think they could be nice to try (either dropper or pill style). So thinking a MB Machine loaded up with a nice batch of chips might do the trick for either way I decided to go (edible or tincture).


For those not familiar with the term, rosin chips are the little flattened flower pieces leftover after using a heated press to "extract" the oil. My thinking is they should be to some degree already decarbed from the 250-300F usual heat of the press, though it's debatable how much with the press time being in the 10-15 second range.

A perfect use for rosin chip! Let them soak a bit before you turn on the machine, and a little bud or trim with them. Nothing better than one of these machine. add ingredients, set time a temperature......... wait for the beeper..Done!

OK all you MB Machine experts....I'm like 80% thinking I want to get one of these, so help push me over the edge....

I'm starting to get a large accumulation of rosin chips that I need to start figuring out if I'm going to try to get a second use out of or just toss. MB Machine is one of the top contenders for something I think would work well with them. I'm not huge on edibles, but enjoy them now and then. Have been reading up more on tinctures, and think they could be nice to try (either dropper or pill style). So thinking a MB Machine loaded up with a nice batch of chips might do the trick for either way I decided to go (edible or tincture).


For those not familiar with the term, rosin chips are the little flattened flower pieces leftover after using a heated press to "extract" the oil. My thinking is they should be to some degree already decarbed from the 250-300F usual heat of the press, though it's debatable how much with the press time being in the 10-15 second range.

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I agree pop22, the temperature and time controls are worth the price. I'm trying to figure out how to keep something in the jars to run through this baby. Gotta better my grow skills for sure.
grow organic and start with basic soil mixes. Good water, plus good soil, you can't but help to grow great weed! No ph'ing shit (unless you have bad water ), no measuring, just water and watch them grow! Low stress too!

I've been using coco for a few months now. It worked fairly well but I'm going back to organics mostly, one little screwed when you run bottled nutes and your hosed, your plant will NEVER reach its potential.

I give away 2/3 of my canna and I still have more than I can use from one grow to the next.

I agree pop22, the temperature and time controls are worth the price. I'm trying to figure out how to keep something in the jars to run through this baby. Gotta better my grow skills for sure.
man organics and a magic butter machine were made as a perfect match in Machine heven man,lemme tell ya LOL! strong? yeah got that covered well. but the MBM is such a nice machine for oil,butter and tincs,(havent gotten to lotions quite yet but this winter)..and the work is soo dialed back and the guess work when trying new and different things.just set for another round if ya feel its needed.WHOLE LOT LESS WORK bro with sdtellar results with consistency as well.THAT right there is your key thing,especially when starting out too.
Much less work! I "sautéed " butter n canna on the stove my first time, not trying that again!

And im almost organic, but have a ways to go. You guys are getting me there, thanks.

Pics from the VG in probably 3 hours