Extraction Magical Butter Machine

Yes vape and use as a tincture. I have a special juice to mix it with to vape. Im just learning so all advice and sharing your knowledge is welcome and appreciated!
I'll chime in with another vote for coconut oil caps! I don't have a MBM, but see one in my future!

I currently use the mason jar in the crockpot method and it works alright.

Canna caps are super convenient and travel well also. Great for medicating in a very stealth way as well!
Get some of this and you'll never touch glycerin again! This stuff blows EVERYTHING outr of the water when it comes to ejuice with canna. 100% terpene based, flavors including real canna flavors! Check it out! its not cheap but I bough a $5 disposable pen and filled it once and vaped for 3 days! the juice at that time cost me I think $15/.5ml you add about .3 to a gram of concentrate, depending on how thick or thin it is I used .5 to 1 gram of RSO. Blueberry flavor.....omg its amazing!


Yes vape and use as a tincture. I have a special juice to mix it with to vape. Im just learning so all advice and sharing your knowledge is welcome and appreciated!
they said it acts like alcohol too. hmmm, can you add that to the MBM and let it sit out and evaporate off somewhat and leave whatever else natural and use that in a simple rub? or induction plate it a lil further.?. LOL! maybe alcohol would be more easier and more evaporation...not sure man. any thoughts having used it? @pop22
Yep, great tool! I've made thousands with mine. I usually make three, 90 cap batches at one time. I'd have no fingers left doing that by hand! Even with this, my hands ache when I'm done making so many but thats a 30 day supply for three people.

there are automated machines but they are damned expensive and most are designed for powers.

There's a 50 cap tool also

Caps really are nice. If you decide to make lots of them a capsule holder is handy

Amazon product

Although if you are just making a few a shallow pan of rice holds the capsules pretty well for filling.
that's a PG and PE blend, still the basic stuff used in ecigs. It may work ok. PG can be very harsh however. Concerns are beginning to surface about VG/PG/PE vapor inhalation, its why I've never got into it, I feel it may be suspect, time will tell. When I found this terpene based solution, i said, Wow! Why aren't all canna ejuices made this way? What could be better?

Don't get me wrong, short term, I'm sure products like what you use are ok. I just think we need better alternatives to protect our health.

