Indoor Magic Prototypes

Man, Briman...I really dig those tiny sugar leaves....they look like they have been partying with Tony Montana
for a month in the jungles of Columbia. LOL! Really nice contrast between the dark green and the snowstorm
on top.

Nice work my friend.
Alright guys, I've been pretty "otherwise indisposed" for a couple weeks. I apologize.

But one thing that hasn't been neglected is the care of these 3 Black Diesel ladies.

They are throwing pistils like no-body's-business :)

Day 37 :yoinks:

Looking killer Trapper! All 3 ladies are praying and getting PHAT! No need to apologize man, we all know raising a new born is a full time gig with benefits! Would give you a caregivers badge if we had one! One for the kid and one for the plants!
Damn trap those are some lovely looking ladies bro! Hope the diesel/dank smell is getting stronger. Looks like your in for a good yield also. Love the structure looks strong and super healthy. You could not any better than you are now keep up the good work brother trapstar.:pass:
Nice growin trap, those girls look very very happy.

What product do you use to flush salts again, sledgehammer? I recall one of your threads to mentioned something that I'm trying to remember, going to run synthetic indoor shortly.
Yup SledgeHammer. :)

And I've been monkeying with doing the final cleanse early, then running only organics for another 7-10 days
after that, then 7-10 of pure water to finish. Get more final feeds in with a shorter cleanse due to the organics.