Outdoor M!5 outdoor growing, sprouted on 16th of april. Asking for tips and review!

when you say 6,7 ph, does that mean 6.7? or 6-7? what are you waiting on as far as questions on ph? did you test your soil run off? what is it? if its too high, well use sulfur to lower it. If its too low, well use dolomite lime to raise it. We cant do anything until you get an exact soil ph reading though. You want your soil to be right about 6.5. hope this helps.
Yeah, i've tested the runoff, and it could be about 7.8 as i told you. The water i got is 6.7! and the water i used was 7.5
Can i use lemon juice and baking soda as well? As i told you before i broke 5 vertebrae 3 months ago, and now i can walk easily but i can't get into the car or carry weights! That's the problem, and that's why i'm trying to do my best with things i already have.
oh crap man..so sorry. i must have missed that..im following a bunch of threads, so if i miss something i really do apologize. if your soil is coming out at 7.8, your way too high. your gonna need to bring that down. your gonna need sulfur..about 2 tablespoons to each gallon of soil. Itll take about a week for it to neutralize~you want it at 6.5ish. As far as lemon juice and baking soda~thats what you use to raise/lower your water ph. if the water you got is 6.7 thats perfect, use that. if you only have access to the 7.5, use the lemon juice to lower it to mid 6's. Just add a few drops, stir it around, then test it. keep doing it that way until you reach the optimal ph in your water. itll be a little tedious at first, but you want to get the perfect amt of lemon juice, so you wont have to add baking soda in it to raise it back up. hope I helpd my friend. :)
Hi Guys, i know i haven't been writing for a while, i apologize. By the way, i'll upload some pedoporns. :D She ( i named her Pandora ) is starting to bud, and she's 23 cm high. I got a fertilizer ( a friend of mine gave me that, i can't get any better for a while unfortunatelly ), developed for flowering plants (5- 5 - 8 ). I've washed the pot with 5l of right ph water, and now the runoff looks better. The leaves aren't clawing less during night. The top bud site was very yellow! I think for sulfurus defincies. After i added the nutes, the plant looked a way helthier!
Photos from yesterda DSC00109.jpgDSC00108.jpgDSC00107.jpgy!!

Today, lower photo quality: WP_000281.jpgWP_000280.jpgWP_000279.jpgWP_000278.jpgWP_000277.jpg
Is she growing more or she will just develop those new buds?
Day 32.

I'm wondering about some brown point in the leaves and the fact that the new leaves she developed are thinner and they have only 4 parts! Not three and not 5! Anything i should be worried about? i want a perfectly green plant, and the ph should be right right now!
The top is still a little light, almost yellow.
If you can post some pics. Its hard to say without some pics.
Lol you're right, i forgot to upload em with the post! :smoke:
This is her some minutes ago. Maybe it's because of the lack of light, but the top looks a way greener.. WP_000294.jpgWP_000293.jpgWP_000292.jpgWP_000291.jpgWP_000288.jpgWP_000287.jpgWP_000286.jpgWP_000285.jpgWP_000284 - Copia.jpgWP_000283 - Copia.jpg So what about the food i gave her? It seems like she is developing new leaves very slowly... can this be caused by wrong ph? Or it's just normal plant life cycle?
Day 36
Doing Great!


I'll upload new and better photos in a short time. The last one is from yesterday! Waiting for your review!!
Looking good bro, don't trip over the growth she is doing fine. What week did she show sex?