Outdoor M!5 outdoor growing, sprouted on 16th of april. Asking for tips and review!

I know it's stating the obvious, but growing outdoors is not growing indoors. You are definitely going to find bugs on your plant, every time. Just flick or pick em off and do an egg check, no reason to panic. Remember, even with organics you want to use pesticides as an absolute last resort. As far as the PM I saw none in your pictures. Just pick off the part of the leaf with it and keep an eye on her. The plant doesn't appear over watered at all, it would be droopy and developing nute problems. Are you making sure to go out in the morning and shake off any dew or rain? It helps.
I bet she will. Relatively short time. :D I was starting to plan the flush, so I wanted to ask you about how much time is left in your opinion. What about the white powder on the leaf? The garlic has just made my plant stink. :-/ It's still confined to some spots on some leaves, but prevent Is the way i think. Why is she so short in your opinion? The April weather maybe?
like piggy said, just pick off the part of the leaf with the white on it. my leaves have had white powder on them, but thats from the dolomite lime i think..not sure if u used that at all. as far as bugs, Ive heard the tobacco juice is a great method to kill/prevent them. Your plant still has another month at least in my opinion..at the very earliest 21 days or so. As far as the shortness, yes, her being an autoflower and planted outside so early in the season def couldve played a factor in her height. Not sure where you live or what the weather is like, but if it gets too hot or too cold, it will def suspend growth or stunt her.
There are organic cures for PM that you can buy at the hydro shop, garden store, or online. Here's what I use.

PM is definately no joke and you want to get on top of it right away.

As for her being short, you started her outdoors in the spring so she's going to be stunted no matter what. Most members on here find that their autos get much larger if they keep them indoors and under light until sex, then transplant outdoors once you've separated out the females. I'm assuming this is your first grow? If so then you should be very happy with where you're at, your plant is alive and looks healthy, you beat out 90% of people starting up.
Yeah, it's my first one. I've treated her as a little child. :D She's doing fine, but as i would with my son, i'm always worring bout her. :peace:
Isn't this PM? WP_000362.jpgWP_000361.jpg The photos are kinda old, like 1 week or so. It seems confined right now. What about scratching the white points?
I'll defenitely buy some lights for the following growth. I'm gonna plant some more seeds in few days. So spraying some water over here every morning is defenitely a bad idea? RSVP! Thank you all!!
Yup, that's pm. Even if you think it's gone it's not. Get some of that stuff I showed you and treat them. Do everything you can to keep water off the leaves of your plant, especially when growing outdoors. They don't like showers, that's where the mold came from.
Oh man that stuff can really be a pain in the ass to get rid of. Neem oil works pretty good but you have to apply it every couple days for about 10 to 14 days. It can leave a funky taste on your bud so you don't want to use it after the plant is into full flower. I don't know about the stuff Piggy recommended but I'm sure he wouldn't steer you wrong, but you can get fungicide with neem pretty much anywhere.
Oh man that stuff can really be a pain in the ass to get rid of. Neem oil works pretty good but you have to apply it every couple days for about 10 to 14 days. It can leave a funky taste on your bud so you don't want to use it after the plant is into full flower. I don't know about the stuff Piggy recommended but I'm sure he wouldn't steer you wrong, but you can get fungicide with neem pretty much anywhere.
Would it be too late for me? I'm stuck till the 10th of june unfortunately! After that i should be good. WP_000388.jpgWP_000387.jpgWP_000386.jpgWP_000385.jpgWP_000384.jpgWP_000383.jpgWP_000382.jpgWP_000381.jpg DAY 45