Come to think of it, that was the time.
Yeah, that crap can make you do some stuff. Sometimes you can catch it, and other times it just jumps the **** out!
Kind of like autopilot sometimes. Sometimes you just don't have a choice of fight or flight. It's chosen for you. That's when it can get bad. I guess it's now been like 13 years since I had my last physical Episode. It actually almost scared me, but it definitely surprised me. This guy standing outside the convenience store was about to hit a little child of the woman that he was panhandling with. I had him slammed up against the wall and about to snap his neck before I realized what I had done. I was pretty lucky that the cops were across the street watching everything going on. It was a little hairy when they rushed over, but they didn't draw their guns or anything. It was also good that one of the cops knew me. It was always pretty funny that that cop from that point on, always kind of kept his distance from me.

Mostly man and the woman with two little girls went to jail and the little girls went to the county under CPS. It wasn't no time before the woman was back out on the streets and the little girls were with her. I'll never ever be able to fathom how in the hell CPS does the stupid crap that they do.