My Mama gave some Wedding Cake moonrocks on my way out today and i have got to say it is a tasty product and potent as all hell. Its just a sample so no lab numbers on it but really like it! Very munchy inducing . I like to eat so im okay with that lol. I love my Mama, shes really taking to learning how to care for these plants. She has never had much luck with plants which is why i basically do 99% of the work, but she is learning to read them when they are thirsty and she understands how to germinate and care for seedlings now, shes really picking it up and shes so adorable to see her get surprised wnen they do so good. Pretty soon she will know the basics and not even realize it. Its fun to get to teach something to the person that taught me so much. Anyway, hope you’re all having an awesome weekend. Be safe, and stay awesome! ❤️🌱😁