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Good Morfnoevight all! way past EO lots of Dabs.

Breakfast was Sausage patty, cheese, fried egg, fried tomato and zoodles, yogurt with mycelium, granola and blueberries. Excellent Espresso.

This is the biggest blueberry I have ever seen, it was very good.


The starter is getting started - pun intended.


I’m on my third doctor at the gastroenterologist but this one seems to be listening to my issues. She started me on some medication to help the problems. I’m waiting for lab results from the new tests. Then have CT’s scheduled along with another procedure that hasn’t yet. Fingers crossed that finally I might get back to myself it’s been a rough two years dealing with this.
I feel your pain my friend, I have been at it for 20 years. I hope yours has a cure and they can find it!
or a few other names.. :pass:

(refrainz from offering "a few other namez".....the struggle is real :rolleyes2: )

It’s a way to use unusable parts like the joints (still have meat bits) and the head….. cook it like you would a pot roast, pull the meat, pour the juice back in….loaf pan.

and only u, the fuckin chefmeister, would know theze kinda thingz :rofl::face:ppp
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