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Loving these fall colors!!! This is when my mouth starts watering hahaha!!!day65
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glad u understood it, cuz i damn sure didn't :rofl: ppp

I understand that he has med issues like a lot of us..and when he isn't feeling Good he wants to save the world... :pass: ... .. he's HoF...:d5:

That's what he does.....:headbang:... doesn't have to make sense to me......:pass:
I had a few oopsies while in trim jail yesterday and they were dry enough to vape today. Pretty harsh from quick drying but there was a sweet candy taste with a bit of sour on it and I am pretty much melted into my chair. Lebanese Acid gets a five star rating from me. :pass::headbang:
U know you mean it your, excuse my (who in contexts ) of words kind of words your son af beeige 😂😂😂

Prescription stuff or your own grown.....?..........:watering:.......coz you is flying high......
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