It’s 26$ for the flora flex deluxe dome kit and figure all the other stuff is needed any way I go:shrug: Guess I do some looking
Making clones is fairly simple. No tools really needed. I've stuck cuttings directly into soil with much success. Good luck!
Making clones is fairly simple. No tools really needed. I've stuck cuttings directly into soil with much success. Good luck!

I was wondering if it could be as simple as that thought about just sticking them in some solo cups of coco. I’m just trying to figure what my best successful and cheapest routes are :thanks: :pass:

4 or 5 years ago I read about a bartender who was rapid-infusing flavors into coctails...

The whipper you need can't be coated inside. Best if it is made for hot applications.

Put your weed loosely in cheesecloth and tie it. Put it in the whipper and add alcohol. Put it all together and charge it.

Put a silicon tube on the dispenser tip to direct the spatter. Keep the whipper upright! Aiming the tube into a tall jar, slowly release the gas.

Open it up and pour the elixir into a bottle.

Remove the bundle of spent weed and squeeze remaining booze from it and duscard. Recover any splatter from the jar or glass.

I have done this with heat as well for strong tinctures.

When you pressurize it forces the alcohol deep into the weed or whatever. Then when you release it pulls it out carrying the goodies with it.

I like ½ decarbed and ½ raw weed for terps.

Do you let soak for a little bit before and after pressurizing? Or does this eliminate the need for giving it time to extract into the alcohol? Is this RSO? You mentioned using 1/2 decarbed weed, i imagine your method gets you “higher” than RSO?
I was wondering if it could be as simple as that thought about just sticking them in some solo cups of coco. I’m just trying to figure what my best successful and cheapest routes are :thanks: :pass:
Cloning gel, raid the kitchen for a large Tupperware ( upside down there's your humidity dome ) coco in solo cups.
How do you make yours?
My wife is from southern Colombia so I usually make the arepas in the style she likes, 1/4" thick plain, or 1/2" thick with chunks of cheese mixed in the dough. I usually use P.A.N. corn flour, yellow or white. Goya works just as well. Mexican masa flour works, but has a different flavor. It has to say "pre-cooked" or it won't form dough when you mix it with hot water (they roast or parch the corn kernels or boil them with lime before grinding).

2 cups pre-cooked corn flour
2-1/2 cups hot water
salt or cheese are optional
Divide into 8 balls.
Squish between plastic bag material to 1/4" or 3/8" thick.
Grill, fry, or bake
What do I need to take clones? I’m going to attempt some this next grow think all I need is the some cloning gel, a dome thingy, rapid rooters, and maybe some clone x feed solution? :shrug::pass::thanks:
Clean blades, alcohol/wipes to sterilize the blade between cuttings, cloning gel or powder(i use clonex single/pk is like 2$ will probably do 25 clones.) and root plugs(i have best success with root riot or rapid rooters) or rockwool, and a container to keep them humid, warm. Keep everything as clean/sterile as possible, and take more cuttings than you need. Also cutting the leaves down to limit transpiration is said to help. Ive also had better success rooting younger shoots than older woodier sure if you keep everything clean, and have everything prepped and ready to go so there isnt alot of down time, that you will find great success in taking clones! Take more than what you need, to make up for any that dont take.