Congrats bro! During my 20’s was the same! Did lots of X/coke/and acid! This was back before crazy synthetics so we got the pure X mailed from amsterdam (over 20yrs ago) and that shit was bomb! Without a super reliable hookup u know and trust hard to know whats in shit nowadays! Almost need to know and/or personally be a chemist to trust it!
Never did meth but went from that stuff over to a decade of oxy/xanax/and soma craziness and quit taking em 5/1/2019! Been long enough now i can trust myself that if my backs just a 10 on the pain scale i can take a dilaudid but i have no desire to take multiples or continue them daily! I know how hard the withdrawals were and have 0 desire to ever put myself or anyone around me thru that shit again! Quite sure i was unbearable since this was before i was growing! Having to buy that garbage tx street weed from god knows where!