Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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The Autoflower Network
2011-2024 (and counting!)
13 years on New Years day.
Our baby is a teenager.

And is a rebellious little shit.
I use the LoRann flavor oils for gummies, most of them have good flavor ... picked out 20.. only have about half of em left. Company seems cool too. Emailed n asked em which were "natural" n artificial they got right back to me and it said a week for delivery and it was here in 3
I use Cool Aide and Jello :vibe:
january 2nd....get it right man! :naughtystep: :biggrin: ppp

We scribbled out the 2nd with permanent marker and wrote the 1st on it. It just extends the new years partying.
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