Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Read it online on some fishing forum and tried it out.

I've tried a few other flavors and colors. I though maybe they like the red color, so I tried cherry. Nope.
Tried a few other flavors like grape, also tried garlic, and star anise because I read they liked that. Nothing seems to work as well as strawberry.

There are a few local baitshops that have started selling strawberry chicken, its just diced up chicken breast soaked in canned strawberry pie filling. I tried that and didn't ahve as much luck, but it stays on a regular hook better than hotdog.

Oh you can't trust forums.


avoiding decarb in the oven and doing it all in the jar in the crockpot is best for the flavor

Thats how we do it. Quart mason jar, shove 2 sticks of butter and as much trim in there as you can and water bath it in the crock pot for 4-5 hours.
Thats how we do it. Quart mason jar, shove 2 sticks of butter and as much trim in there as you can and water bath it in the crock pot for 4-5 hours.
Nice I have been decarbing on a sheet pan in the oven. Very smelly :bow:
Nice I have been decarbing on a sheet pan in the oven. Very smelly :bow:

Yep, no smell, and you are keeping it around 180* max, so you aren't burning off any of the more delicate terpenes or cannabanoids.
Kelp extract.

Put the seed on moist papertowel and then put a few drops of kelp extract on it, fold the towel over, put it in a ziplock, seal the ziplock, and put it somewhere warm. Top of your cable box, a seed warming mat, under your man boob, whatever
Who is RSC @BCBudlady .......?
The Real Seed Company is listed by LHS as the breeder for DC.
Yep, no smell, and you are keeping it around 180* max, so you aren't burning off any of the more delicate terpenes or cannabanoids.
Aye....I checked......looks exactly the same listing............... :pass:
Yep, and they list it as further worked in
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