Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Back when tough meant something...
I knew she'd take more time because the seeds are old. I inoculated her with Myco three times over the course, and I was just about to give up.. Glad I didn't....

I got a strain tried pop two out of three so far nothing after 7 days so I was going to do the soak and paper towel method see if I could get it to pop that way. I normally go straight to final pot. And the seeds only been in my possession for 6 months. But still could be old. Its anesia seeds blackberry moonrocks. had nothing but trouble from the three strains i have of theres. Not impressed with what should have been what they call a world class breeder.
Whats up my dudes?

The zkittelz and Northern Lights are both close to harvest time. The Zkittelz more so.


The Witch Doctor x Anvil is still alive, even though I messed up its cotyledons, but its pulling out of it. I imagine its gonna end up stunted, so I probably won't waste a DWC setup on it, just plant it in a 2 or 3 gallon container with good soil and see how it goes.


Also got Grape Soda, Grape Crush, Gorilla and Critical XXL, along with 3 un-sexed Bloodstone. Any males I'll use to knock up the other plants, and I'll grow out any females.
Spent all last evening setting up my new server. I switched from an old AMD system to a newer Intel System because of some advantages in the intel chip.

Everything was working fine last night. I get up this morning....and its all broke. Harddrives won't talk. Everything keeps crashing randomly.

I finally realize I think its the SATA card I added so I could add more hard drives. It was a cheapy off of amazon.

So I drug the whole family out to Microcenter about an hour away and got a new SATA card. This one is an x4 instead of an x1 pci bus so if anything its faster. I'm not sure if the old one was just not fast enough to keep up with everything I am doing, or if it had more issues than that. But I put the new one in and everything seems to be working just fine.
I am currently making some canna butter out of trim from my BlueMicro x Sourhound that I tossed in the freezer.

My wife is going to make fudge with it. A friend of ours makes fudge and its delicious and gave us the recipe.

12 oz almond bark.
1 small can sweetened condensed milk.

Melt together in a double boiler.

Add in 1/2 cup warm infused ghee.

Add your flavor. If its orange or something that's a natural oil, it only takes a bottle. It it's the artificial like strawberry or blueberry, you'll need about 3 drams (the little lorann bottles). You need the candy flavoring, regular extract is too weak. You will have to stir the holy fuck out of it. It'll make an entire brownie pan.

After that it goes in the fridge to cool/harden

This is what the flavors look like you need to buy
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