Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Well, this Vidamints Seems to have about the same amount of THC as the last girl. You'll definitely get a rush!

Speaking of Rush, he's being his normal Dick-headed Arrogant Scottish Ass

Stargate fans will get that!
Yeah if you saw the next post I said it was a fake :doh: :thumbsup::pighug:
Ya I know i saw it! Just pointing out u should know it was fake just by seeing the number 3! I never watched the real part 3 cuz it was much later and a different kid so had no interest in watching it!
My neighbor's shroom grow is starting to fruit. She's from Burundi. She didn't have much schooling, but she's good at farming African vegetables (amaranth, bitterball, etc.). She saw shrooms are $15/lb. in the store, so she wanted to try growing some. She has 16 gunny sacks of medium inoculated with several kinds of spores on shelves in the basement. I helped her partition off a 10x10 grow room using plastic sheeting hanging from 2x4's. She only speaks broken English (and Swahili and Kinyarwanda). She can't read much, so she didn't label the varieties. Anybody know what these are?
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Looks like a polypore, but not one that I know a thing about. No idea. Where does she get her spores, or does she do tissue culture from shrooms sold for eating?
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