Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Let’s wait for @Lil Dab to chime in…..he’ll set you straight…. :pass: My advice would be to check the weight of the cup often, and feed accordingly.

You could use a scale, and some relays, so that when it goes below a certain weight, it waters it until it reaches the max weight!
Can anyone tell me how often do I water a solo cup grow? And do you feed with every watering? This is my first one.
The short answer is more often than you think. :biggrin:

You can get away with a couple times a day if you are in coco and flush them well at each fertigation, at least I think you can, but twice would be the minimum. You can monitor the EC of your runoff, and if it gets more than about 300EC higher than your fertigation input, you need more watering, either more each time, or more times per day,

The issue with solos, one of them anyway, is that the tiny root space means that the plant quickly depletes the moisture, driving up the EC in the medium. Solos do best with multiple fertigations per day. When I set up my automatic solo fertigation, I fertigate six times a day.

Also, I only use coco/perlite and salt nutes in solos, I think making solos work with soil or organics would be a challenge. :pighug:
The short answer is more often than you think. :biggrin:

You can get away with a couple times a day if you are in coco and flush them well at each fertigation, at least I think you can, but twice would be the minimum. You can monitor the EC of your runoff, and if it gets more than about 300EC higher than your fertigation input, you need more watering, either more each time, or more times per day,

The issue with solos, one of them anyway, is that the tiny root space means that the plant quickly depletes the moisture, driving up the EC in the medium. Solos do best with multiple fertigations per day. When I set up my automatic solo fertigation, I fertigate six times a day.

Also, I only use coco/perlite and salt nutes in solos, I think making solos work with soil or organics would be a challenge. :pighug:
LOL, I'm in soil. But i'm just doing this for the fun/challenge.
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