Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Ugh! Found some white spots forming on the leaves of my Wedding Glue. Found these little F'ers hanging out at the base of the leaves. Time to act fast. I'll try soapy water first. Maybe I can still find some ladybugs outside.

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Are you sure those are bad bugs? They look just like my compost mites but I do know they similar to spider mites :yoinks::nono::goodluck:
Have you looked into Earth Boxes? Several peeps using those. Seems pretty simple and straight forward. Think @Lil Dab was liking his?
Yeah I do love the earthboxes but I also love coco for the control and the fact that it is almost impossible to overwater.
Are you sure those are bad bugs? They look just like my compost mites but I do know they similar to spider mites :yoinks::nono::goodluck:
Ya, I'm pretty sure they are the little destroyers of fun. The leaf spots are where they have eaten through already. It's limited to a few leaves and I'll try to trim those out to get rid of the most advanced little bastards. Not sure how they got in but I'll be in there twice a day spray down both plants. Good times ahead.
Yeah that's kinda what I'm leaning towards. Just didn't wanna have to get in there and water multiple times a day but doesn't seem like it's like that coming from u guys.
I grew for over a year watering my coco 3gal pots once a day and because the buds were beautiful I never had a reason to think I should water more. Only very recently did I read that I could water more than once. I’m soooo happy I grow in coco though because it’s too easy. If I was in soil I’d have probably given up by now 🤣
Good morning/afternoon depending where you are!

Easin into the day after getting into the bag of shrooms last night. Went to look for munchies in the freezer and the shroom bag was glowing at me at at 1 am....trippin balls till about 5.

Feeling like fall as the high is only about 60F. Pretty amazing. Some of the leaves are starting change so cool temps around the corner

Have a great day!!! :pass:
Ya, I'm pretty sure they are the little destroyers of fun. The leaf spots are where they have eaten through already. It's limited to a few leaves and I'll try to trim those out to get rid of the most advanced little bastards. Not sure how they got in but I'll be in there twice a day spray down both plants. Good times ahead.
Are you going to handwater or use pump/timer/reservoirs? I start with handwatering and I collect the runoff to check volume and EC/ppm. General rule for coco is 20% runoff by volume. So 1 litre in you want 200ml runoff. Make sure you have some sort of way to deal with the runoff water. Either a pot suspended over a basin or drain hoses.

With a 3 gallon pot you can probably get away with once a day for most of the grow and maybe twice a day towards the end. The plant will tell you if you measure your runoff. If you put in 1 litre and get 200ml runoff you're fine. If the runoff drops to say 85ml then increase your volume. Try 1.5L in and see if you get 150ml runoff. IF you water once a day, increase the volume, and the runoff stays low, then you probably need to move to twice a day. Does that make sense?

At some point the coco won't hold any more water so not matter how much you put in, it just runs out. Hence, at some point twice a day, or more, works best. If you water by hand twice a day isn't hard. Larger watering volumes in a 3gal pot should be do-able. If you run small pots then pump/timer multiple waterings per day works.

I run 1.5gal airpots and only ever water twice a day.

Nutrients every watering. Nutes + water = fertigation. A MoG-ism.

The Mother Earth coco is pretty good. It does come pre-buffered but I still like to rinse it. I load my pots and then run seedling strength, 300ppm-ish, nute blend through the coco until the runoff reads in the 300ppm range. Some of the buffering solution can be quite high. ME brand seems decent enough. But I also like to presoak my pots completely.

pH is critical for coco, 5.8-6.2 is your range. Have a good pH pen and and ppm pen and calibrate them. Do it before your grow and I would check the pH pen at least once a month.

My pre-grow setup:

I'm glad I don't have to deal with that
No Grow Dots until week 4 when using Happy Frog, would be recommendation. 3 -5 days of acclimating your HF soil in its final pot & environment before planting is best IMO .

How would that work? Topdress? I thought I was supposed to mix it with the soil? I thought happy frog didn't have anything in it to make it hot.. waiting till week 4 would mean it's just as hot as ocean forest..?
Ya, I'm pretty sure they are the little destroyers of fun. The leaf spots are where they have eaten through already. It's limited to a few leaves and I'll try to trim those out to get rid of the most advanced little bastards. Not sure how they got in but I'll be in there twice a day spray down both plants. Good times ahead.
It looks like they're feeding to me! You can kill a lot of by just hitting him with a hard spray of water. With them it doesn't take much pressure. When they're feeding like that and you hit them with water, they leave their sucking mouth in the plant and die.
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