Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Store bought teefies

i hate denturez & don't wear em, but man, i shit u not, gettin all me teeth pulled was without a doubt the single best thing i've ever done me entire life, woot! :whew: :cooldance: ppp
I'd be very interested in what genetic mischief is part of this process. They don't use the GMO label, but I suspect that that is what would permit them to adjust components. I'm not sure how a pheno hunt would work in the bioreactor. Not well, methinks. :biggrin:
The article says they aren’t bioengineered and that they are “identical” to plants grown in the ground. This kinda reminds me of the conversation a few months ago about cannabis tissue cultures. Instead of popping seeds they’re starting with a culture.

I would have zero qualms trying some.

It’s not like the GMO oats everybody eats all saturated with Roundup (btw, that description fits ALL OATS in the US). This is a technology around the growing, not the breeding of cannabis.
Was able to get all my fixins for doing my desert rose thing, even picked up one fairly cheap ( priced 15.00-talked them down to 10.00) cause winter is coming on and I liked the shape of the caudex.

That one's gonna be interesting when I start raising it.
I don't live in the US........ :pass: ....
You do have civilization and if they can do it here they are doing it there. I found one in the UK but that won't work for you.

I will look around.

Gluten free is a long way in the rear view mirror for me, on Keto for diabetes, so all the gluten free stuff is off the list due to carbs. :biggrin:
I did Atkins for 4 years dropped 40# got diabetes under control and started making kidney stones :rofl: turns out that a high protien diet without enough carbs makes you acidic and that makes stones. Losing weight is the thing that has saved my life but some carbs are needed. I run about 20% - 25% on most days. I try to eat them early in the day. I have a day or two each week with no carbs other than green vegetables.
meh, mebbe, mebbe not....i still don't trust it either way :nono: and besidez, who on site can afford a bio-fuckin-reactor in their spare clozet anyway-??....i'd say -> not very fuckin many :crying: :face: :rolleyes2: ppp
If y’all start an afn gofundme to buy one I’ll gladly be y’all’s crash test dummy! :eyebrows::d5:
meh, mebbe, mebbe not....i still don't trust it either way :nono: and besidez, who on site can afford a bio-fuckin-reactor in their spare clozet anyway-??....i'd say -> not very fuckin many :crying: :face: :rolleyes2: ppp
@Mañ'O'Green might have one that he built himself back in the day laying around :crying:
i hate denturez & don't wear em, but man, i shit u not, gettin all me teeth pulled was without a doubt the single best thing i've ever done me entire life, woot! :whew: :cooldance: ppp
U should go George Washington style and carve yourself some wooden chompers! :d5:

Had to go to discount tire earlier and had a damn hitchhiker! Opened the window while I went inside but dude just relocated to the roof!

Got home and found a ladybug larvae outside so moved it to a tomato plant! :thumbsup:

Found this guy on the hose!

Realized I got lacewing eggs all over some tomato plants! :headbang:

Almost like Where’s Waldo trying to spot the lil things! While I’m thinking about it @Mañ'O'Green do u know what causes this so I don’t gotta try to google search and compare Need to get back to spraying the fungicide just to be safe!


Noticed some tomato’s have a split in them like that and not sure if it’s pest related or food or what? Thanks buddy! :d5:
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