You magnificent bastard. I was gonna bust the Kong out and smoke a ham…it looks real good too, but Mother Nature FUCKED me hard. It was pouring rain on Wednesday or so. Then it went down to fucking 7. That’s Fahrenheit too, none of that wacky Celsius in this haüs. So, betwixt the water and the 7, my god damn King Mothafuckin Kong is frozen shut like a god damn weld was done. A fuckin row of nickels they says. Yeah. I tried to light a baby fire through the bottom vent. Nah. I duct taped a fucking blow dryer up there and let her rip for an hour. Nope. I finally threw in the towel and left the ham in the fridgerator klinghoffer. I made a spatchcock Turkey instead, which is about half an hour away i from being done. I was really wanting that hammer. It sucks. Ohh well, later this week.
How ya been son? How is the Primeape treating ya? Im still stoked I recommended that. I think my buddy is gonna snag one in a month or so…he really liked your cookings. I have been busy spending money…lol. Ya can’t take it with you I heard. At least that’s what THEY don’t want you to know. Smell that bro? It sounds like a bit of sheist in the air. Fuck em. Spend spend spend. And eat ice cream. I’ve been on a serious quest to find the best mint chocolate chip scream. As we speak, Turkey Hill Natural….the white shit….is winning, with Tillamook in second. That Turkey Hill is fucking stupid good though. Merry Thundershank Franklin. Be easy fam
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I seriously need this. It can go just about any color too.