Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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My extraction fan blows directly outside so I don't get much smell till I open the tent.... then all bets are off. Nice sweet smell. I'll have to grab a small bud as a tester. Looking forward to some new flavors.
Tent checking technique:

1. Proceed to tent, level of care dependent on recent intake.
2. Stand or sit at tent entrance, choice again dependent on...
3. Grasp zipper toggle, as previous, difficulty with this step will vary
4. Close eyes (easy), think Nirvana thoughts (likely also easy)
5. Lower zipper slowly while immersing your soul in the building aroma
6. Breathe deeply. Immersion. :biggrin:
Dude… need some happy thoughts…. :pass:

Here…..let this beautiful woman sing you a song….pretend she’s singing about you if it helps :haha:

It would be this

I'd have to have that growroom built if I wanted to keep her around. She looks like she could go thru some canna!:funny::funny::funny:
Nice Weather guys. Solid 14 Fahrenheit (-10 degrees) in my area.

It’s so fucking cold :snow2:
Hasn't been that warm here for nearly two weeks... I can relate. I damn near froze my tits walking the dog yesterday. :bighug:

You have no idea what this has done to our house this morning. The wife was hovering over the 911 numbers, the dog was cringing wondering what the fork was wrong with me, and had I not already finished my coffee I would have spewed it all over my keyboard.

The wife has backed away from 911, but is still wondering. I had to go wash the tears off my face. :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
Hasn't been that warm here for nearly two weeks... I can relate. I damn near froze my tits walking the dog yesterday. :bighug:

Warm? Haha You have to be far up north… BrRrRrrr.

My girl asked me to take a walk back home (2km) with our dog - ditched her immediately and took a car back home. No cold temps for me :biggrin:
Warm? Haha You have to be far up north… BrRrRrrr.

My girl asked me to take a walk back home (2km) with our dog - ditched her immediately and took a car back home. No cold temps for me :biggrin:
I'm not sure yet, but I think both the dearest and I are losing our cold tolerance. Given how miserable I was at -14 yesterday, I am not sure how in hell I used to enjoy back country skiing at -20C. Brrrr indeed. :biggrin:
This premixed soil I am using for my current grow really doesn't want to absorb water. Its loose, it has a lot of peatmoss and nice organic matter in it, but it seems like water just goes right through it without being absorbed.

Any advice?

I was thinking about getting a larger bucket and letting the buckets of soil soak in water for a few minutes, instead of just pouring it through?

Is it worth using a wetting agent?
Damn…..and I’m putting on a hoodie to walk the dog….a nipple hardening 51f out :haha:

Pssh lightweight
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