Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Dude, if ketchup floats yer boat, have at it. If other peeps disagree, that ain't yer problem. :bighug: :crying:
My oldest is a ketchup fiend! My only problem was buying enough.
When I buy ketchup now, I first gravitate to the monster bottles outta habit. My ketchup is Whataburger spicy at the store.
I like to shoot for about 60mg of actives per piece of candy. 60mg is a happy level for me because I am going to hit the dabs as well.

I processed 500 to 700 or more chips today. I don't know how many fit crammed into a 1/2 Gallon jar? I did 5.

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The extract when dried will render a very potent oil.
I would say one of these is somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-200mg…. Pretty nice with some dabs on the side:baked: totally stoner math, seat of the pants bro science on the estimation of course:rofl:
Good Morfnoevight you chatty bunch. I am about 20 pages behind. Good thing I am well fortified :crying:

I am processing my chips today. I did a frozen QWET on 5 - 1/2 gallon jars - jar to jar. Then I did a longer 5 minute warm ethanol rinse jar to jar. My object is to get just the rosin that is stuck in the bags.

The frozen QWET may end up being a pretty good product. The long wash just makes high octane sludge :shrug:. I got some 7ml gummy molds of an old man in a tree maybe I will make them black on purpose and use the sludge and a strong flavor; Licorice flavor, not my favorite. Maybe root beer?

The first wash looks like it will make some good gummies.

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Oh yeah sludge.

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I did a long soak with about a liter of pucks, and what I got after I removed the alcohol was the damndest crud I have run into. Likely scary shit, but I have not done anything with it. Now in the freezer while I think. It is composed of an oily black liquid, and beneath that a larger volume of stiff black stuff that resembles rosin, sort of, if I have vaped enough weed before looking at it. The two components will not mix. Period. But the entire thing is solid in the freezer, including the portion liquid at room temp.

Still not sure what to do with it, but I am not interested in tasting it. Given the supply of higher grade stuff I have, I am not sure that I need it. the term evil comes to mind when I look at that stuff. :crying: :pighug:
we'd steal lunch trayz from school for the seed "ritual" :rofl: ppp
jeez, it sounds like I missed all kinds of stoner techniques by quitting the weed so soon, way back then. :crying:
The only ways to count that number of seeds IMO is with a scale with a count function, or by calibrating a small volume by counting the seeds it holds, and calculate to the entire volume of seeds you have.

Just getting the seeds separated from the rest of the debris will be a project with a fully seeded large plant. If you intend to do that scale a lot, you need to build a seed separator.
Good luck with it, let us know how many you get (approximately, of course.) :crying: :bighug:

I couldn’t wait to try it… I took a scale and weighted some seeds until the digits showed 1 gram exactly. I got it to 70 seeds… And its a very small volume! I did some numbers in my head and realized both one thing and another. :wiz:

I’ll let you guys know (once it’s legal for me to try it) how many seeds i get from a single plant. This was very interesting in every single way there is and makes it even more un-understandable why people are fighting in the streets about weed :rofl: Now, that’s insane.
not sure what she yields from the two pucks but that's about all she can do in our ardent nova
Two pucks sounds like a remarkably small dose of goodies if you use the same size pucks as I do, i.e. the round ones about an inch and a half diameter. Does she break the pucks up? :bighug:
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