Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I dont use yucca all the time. I did when I first set up the pots but I havent since. I only did when I first set them up cuz my gardening store only had dry bags so I figured it was probably gonna be a bit hydrophic to start.

My only form is fox farm sledgehammer, but thats also designed to help rinse nutrients from the medium as well so I only try and use it every 4 weeks like the schedule says.

I was going to with this last watering but ffhf is only suppose to have enough nutes for about a month so I decided to feed instead to see if that would help as well. Gave this one about 3/4 gallon surprisingly since I had done a plain watering 3 days beforehand there was no runoff. I kinda expected a little since the soil hadnt dried out completely yet but was very light when I picked it up.
My 5 gallon pots with CoM stoneington soil takes about a gallon of water from fully dry to fully saturated
I dont use yucca all the time. I did when I first set up the pots but I havent since. I only did when I first set them up cuz my gardening store only had dry bags so I figured it was probably gonna be a bit hydrophic to start.

My only form is fox farm sledgehammer, but thats also designed to help rinse nutrients from the medium as well so I only try and use it every 4 weeks like the schedule says.

I was going to with this last watering but ffhf is only suppose to have enough nutes for about a month so I decided to feed instead to see if that would help as well. Gave this one about 3/4 gallon surprisingly since I had done a plain watering 3 days beforehand there was no runoff. I kinda expected a little since the soil hadnt dried out completely yet but was very light when I picked it up.
My 5 gallon pots with CoM stoneington soil takes about a gallon of water from fully dry to fully saturated
And get some of this I use it once a week life been good :cooldance: it last a long time very little bit goes a long ways :headbang:
I mean according to my tents probe thats where Im at and all my plants seem to be doing just fine, just those super droopy leaves and stems are bothering me cuz its so localized on that plant. Just those 2 branches from that very first node on the plant.

Was wondering if anyone else ran into a similar issue. If its something that might spread or become a problem later and can be amended especially if its in the soil Id like to know if I can fix it before chopping the branches before knowing if it will affect the rest of the plant. Right now I think its just those 2 branches because the rest of the plant is healthy but they are the oldest 2 branches and if the others take a turn as they age I need to know what to do. Or at least thats what I think is the safest bet.

They are under developed compared to the branches at the very next node above this one though. So Im wondering if they just got 0 light and 0 air circulation for most of the time they formed the fan leaves I stripped were bigger than my hands
You're not gonna hurt her by taking it off. If it bothers you, just snippy snip snip! I almost never keep the first branches very long anyway.
My 5 gallon pots with CoM stoneington soil takes about a gallon of water from fully dry to fully saturated
I get nervous about trying to fully saturate because of my problems with watering with my last run so all Im doing now is keeping the soil moist, and when the pot is light I water. Sometimes theres run off sometimes theres not.
That was the exact plan that immediately came to mind when you mentioned the plastic sheeting. Im actually looking at black plastic drop cloth for painting right now on amazon. Figured that would be the cheapest method

cheap shower curtainz from walfart can work in a pinch....70"x70" & uzually no more than $5....jus sayin :thumbsup: ppp
I get looks now when I’m on the street with my Bauer turbos on lol not many skating rinks around me lol
I think i swapped from roller skating the rinks to blading at the skateparks but that all ended about 9th grade when i found weed and women! :eyebrows::smokeit::crying:
I get nervous about trying to fully saturate because of my problems with watering with my last run so all Im doing now is keeping the soil moist, and when the pot is light I water. Sometimes theres run off sometimes theres not.
I haven’t had issue as long as I don’t do it too often once the pot won’t hold any more water then I wait when plant is young it will take week… once the plant is established it is very hard to over water with clothes bags from what I’ve learned just let the pots dry down in between
@DCLXVI ....:bravo:..Well Done on the Face photos pick up......:headbang:
You should just assign someone to go in and do some fancy editing if a face pic pops up! :d5:
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