Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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This is total guesswork on my part, but is it possible that you have managed to dry out a small part of your medium, damaging roots that feed those troubled branches? :shrug:
That's where Im leaning if they dont perk up by stripping the fan leaves that was basically smashing them. Tried tucking but it wasnt working. Im only trying this out first because the other side I didnt take a pic of was way more exposed than the side in the photo and only 2 fan leaves on that branch look like the ones in the pic and they were the ones most suffocated by the fan leaf I stripped on that side. And the one in the pic was basically completely suffocated by the fan leaf I removed on that side.

I did take a peak down the sides of the pot and I brushed some surface soil away to see if I could see anything in easily accessible areas but everything I saw was evenly moist and the roots were all white and healthy, but I suppose if they died off and the soil was remositened it would be almost impossible to see damaged or dead roots, also theres obviously a lot of area thats impossible to check.

Im thinking about using my fox farm sledgehammer on my next watering because its the only form of yucca I have right now. But if theres any hydrophobic pockets in the soil that should help with that but I just watered yesterday with a full feed since Im a month in and the nutes in the soil should be pretty used up or washed out by now.
Ive thought about doing something like this but wasnt sure how to go about it. To be honest Im one of those people who are oblivious to the easiest possible solutions. Like how I was clueless that people rotated their pots to keep their plants growing straight up lmao.
We are all unique and as there are many ways to learn. AFN is my best source for that. I am very grateful to have found this site. I sought and I found.
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What I would do is get a roll of plastic sheeting then I would lay it out as a long piece that would be the front wall/ceiling/back wall, and then another that would be a sidewall/ceiling/sidewall. Add a foot or so on each wall length so it lays on the floor and something can lay on it(creating the wall), tape 3 corners and use clips to close the forth corner(now a doorway) it doesn't need to be fully sealed as you want a small exchange of air between the basement and the new lung room.
That was the exact plan that immediately came to mind when you mentioned the plastic sheeting. Im actually looking at black plastic drop cloth for painting right now on amazon. Figured that would be the cheapest method
We are all unique and as there are many ways to learn. AFN is my best source for that. I am very gratfule to have found this site. I sought and I found.
I love this place, thats why I never hesitate to throw up a post here or on the infirmary. I like doing both becuse the same people seem to respond to both threads
IMO don’t chase problem may or may not exist

I thought that too why I said over/underwatered start with simple things first
I was thinking the same at first and like I said Im not concerned right now just trying to get ideas bounced off me in case it develops into something I do need to worry about.

I was leaning towards over or under watering at first but I figured either way, more of the plant would be affected by that since it would more or less affect the entire root system.
I was thinking the same at first and like I said Im not concerned right now just trying to get ideas bounced off me in case it develops into something I do need to worry about.

I was leaning towards over or under watering at first but I figured either way, more of the plant would be affected by that since it would more or less affect the entire root system.

yeah just didn’t wantyou getting to many ideas thrown at you… there are so many variables it really hard for us to exactly determine what’s going on I would just focus on better watering habits are you using a surfactant? Yucca has helped me and also when I do water I water to just a light bit of run off to ensure I am not creating dry pockets…. And good air flow but now to much
yeah just didn’t wantyou getting to many ideas thrown at you… there are so many variables it really hard for us to exactly determine what’s going on I would just focus on better watering habits are you using a surfactant? Yucca has helped me and also when I do water I water to just a light bit of run off to ensure I am not creating dry pockets…. And good air flow but now to much
I dont use yucca all the time. I did when I first set up the pots but I havent since. I only did when I first set them up cuz my gardening store only had dry bags so I figured it was probably gonna be a bit hydrophic to start.

My only form is fox farm sledgehammer, but thats also designed to help rinse nutrients from the medium as well so I only try and use it every 4 weeks like the schedule says.

I was going to with this last watering but ffhf is only suppose to have enough nutes for about a month so I decided to feed instead to see if that would help as well. Gave this one about 3/4 gallon surprisingly since I had done a plain watering 3 days beforehand there was no runoff. I kinda expected a little since the soil hadnt dried out completely yet but was very light when I picked it up.
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