Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Yeah thats why Im thinking about just getting a bigger humidifier. I think I just need a bigger one.

Basement is about 850sq ft. I Chose the humidifier I have because it was suppose to be rated to raise the humidity of a 1000sq ft room by up to 20% but I think its just not doing the trick for the winter months. Honestly I think Im gonna have to go big and get one that can do at least double my basement so Im gonna be looking at one that covers about 1500 sq ft and shuts off at a certain set point. My tent should be a mirror image of the room its in since its cycling about 3 times my tents volume in air per min. Thats keeping the temp in a pretty stable range and thats about the only factor besides light and food I can control with any accuracy rn.

Thinking once I get the rh of the room at a decent stable area like you said the tent will take care of itself. Ive gotten so desperate to raise the rh in my tent the humidifier is right outside my passive intake, and ive set the cover for the intake over it acting like a guide so all the air pumped out gets sucked directly into the tent. Basically the next best thing beside actually putting it in there, it doesnt fit with the saucers I have under my pots.
Could you use plastic sheeting to "create" a smaller lung room rather than the whole basement?
Could you use plastic sheeting to "create" a smaller lung room rather than the whole basement?
Ive thought about doing something like this but wasnt sure how to go about it. To be honest Im one of those people who are oblivious to the easiest possible solutions. Like how I was clueless that people rotated their pots to keep their plants growing straight up lmao.
I would try them if they stored dry or lasted for years after open. I'm not willing to chuck most of them out because I didn't use them all soon enough. The Jiffys seem to work very well for me, the variation in performance seems to be down to the seeds or my screwups, not the plugs. I suspect that the aeration of the Riots might be a bit more effective than the peat plugs. For sure, the peat plugs can be overwatered, especially when the seed is just getting started. The root riots look looser in structure with more voids for air.

Do you soak your seeds until they have a tail before putting them in the Root Riots?
No soaking of seeds. I pop the seed right in RR. I do add a bit if water on the RR after I immediately place it in the rock wool cube that sits in the coco.I have used an open bag of Root Riots and used them for three or so years until they were used up. They are a bit moist out of the bag, moist not wet. So I am able to know the moister content of each seed. I really like them
I mean according to my tents probe thats where Im at and all my plants seem to be doing just fine, just those super droopy leaves and stems are bothering me cuz its so localized on that plant. Just those 2 branches from that very first node on the plant.

Was wondering if anyone else ran into a similar issue. If its something that might spread or become a problem later and can be amended especially if its in the soil Id like to know if I can fix it before chopping the branches before knowing if it will affect the rest of the plant. Right now I think its just those 2 branches because the rest of the plant is healthy but they are the oldest 2 branches and if the others take a turn as they age I need to know what to do. Or at least thats what I think is the safest bet.

They are under developed compared to the branches at the very next node above this one though. So Im wondering if they just got 0 light and 0 air circulation for most of the time they formed the fan leaves I stripped were bigger than my hands
This is total guesswork on my part, but is it possible that you have managed to dry out a small part of your medium, damaging roots that feed those troubled branches? :shrug:
Ive thought about doing something like this but wasnt sure how to go about it. To be honest Im one of those people who are oblivious to the easiest possible solutions. Like how I was clueless that people rotated their pots to keep their plants growing straight up lmao.
What I would do is get a roll of plastic sheeting then I would lay it out as a long piece that would be the front wall/ceiling/back wall, and then another that would be a sidewall/ceiling/sidewall. Add a foot or so on each wall length so it lays on the floor and something can lay on it(creating the wall), tape 3 corners and use clips to close the forth corner(now a doorway) it doesn't need to be fully sealed as you want a small exchange of air between the basement and the new lung room.

Use a stapler or clips/clamps to hold the plastic up against the ceiling of the basement.
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No soaking of seeds. I pop the seed right in RR. I do add a bit if water on the RR after I immediately place it in the rock wool cube that sits in the coco.I have used an open bag of Root Riots and used them for three or so years until they were used up. They are a bit moist out of the bag, moist not wet. So I am able to know the moister content of each seed. I really like them
Interesting. Why the 3x3 rock wool rather than RR straight to coco?
This is total guesswork on my part, but is it possible that you have managed to dry out a small part of your medium, damaging roots that feed those troubled branches? :shrug:
Good question. My coco goes into a 2.2 gallon auto pot, DRY. I put the rock wool cube in the dry coco until an inch or so is NOT surrounded by the coco. I place the Root Riot in the rock wool cube. Then I water the RR in the cube. I only use enough water, maybe 2-3 oz, to get the RR wet and let the rock wool cube act as a "catcher" for the excess water. My intent is to have the roots to go down and I water with that in mind.

Love and Light to everyone and thing.
I mean according to my tents probe thats where Im at and all my plants seem to be doing just fine, just those super droopy leaves and stems are bothering me cuz its so localized on that plant. Just those 2 branches from that very first node on the plant.

Was wondering if anyone else ran into a similar issue. If its something that might spread or become a problem later and can be amended especially if its in the soil Id like to know if I can fix it before chopping the branches before knowing if it will affect the rest of the plant. Right now I think its just those 2 branches because the rest of the plant is healthy but they are the oldest 2 branches and if the others take a turn as they age I need to know what to do. Or at least thats what I think is the safest bet.

They are under developed compared to the branches at the very next node above this one though. So Im wondering if they just got 0 light and 0 air circulation for most of the time they formed the fan leaves I stripped were bigger than my hands

IMO don’t chase problems that may or may not exist your plants look great just keep everything in check and get out their way and let them grow :headbang:
This is total guesswork on my part, but is it possible that you have managed to dry out a small part of your medium, damaging roots that feed those troubled branches? :shrug:
I thought that too why I said over/underwatered start with simple things first
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Interesting. Why the 3x3 rock wool rather than RR straight to coco?
I feel the cube gives me a solid seedling place in the coco. I saw Neil, a one time member here, and he said that this gave him bigger plants. I am 100% happy with this method.
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