Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Hmmm.....I Might be with the wife....... :pass: .....hubbys ambition was to have a motorbike here coz he Loved them...
But was too heavy for him to handle...safely.....

He had 3 or 4 mnor accidents on it but the wrting was on the wall.

Now he has a 20 year old Merc convertible.........roughly the same wasn't a money thing.....:shrug:....just Worrying every tme he went out what damage he was going to come back with....:pass:
I wanted a bike since high school and finally got 1 and other then the test drive i never rode it before I sold it! Im a skinny guy (yes even with all the damn cookies ;)) and figured if i was ever in an accident I’d prob crumble to dust! That and the fact doctors had me on oxycodone and xanax i figured that wasn't a wise combo for being out on a 2 wheeled death mobile! Wound up selling it back to dude i got it from! :rofl:
Hey if you need to save space and prevent it from getting taller just top the end of each really long branch! It’ll keep it from growing taller and lower stuff will grow (so it will wind up wider most likely! If its close enough to flower instead of growing 2 branches at the spot where u topped the branch it will instead just grow 2 nugs on the end!
da girls in da 'drobe don't get a cubic centimeter more space than I want them too. The clippers are sharp and ready. :pighug:
Probably having a cup of tea with guys just like him…
Lmao thats an American accent so he ain’t drinking tea! Prob been drinking coffee since age 5 tho! They prob had a starbucks booth in his elementary school since that damn place everywhere! :rofl:
Well, Dr's visits are off, wife got tummy problems this morning. Guess I can work some more on the shed....while bugging her to bless the bike purchase... :stir:
Best of luck with the purchase! Looks like a real sweet BSA. I have a special place in my heart for cafes. Just recently had to sell my 74 CB750 restomod and I still regret it. Took me 3 years to build this beauty.
I wanted a bike since high school and finally got 1 and other then the test drive i never rode it before I sold it! Im a skinny guy (yes even with all the damn cookies ;)) and figured if i was ever in an accident I’d prob crumble to dust! That and the fact doctors had me on oxycodone and xanax i figured that wasn't a wise combo for being out on a 2 wheeled death mobile! Wound up selling it back to dude i got it from! :rofl:
Quoting myself cuz forgot to add this but is my point exactly on not trusting the other drivers out on the roads here! Dude up at the corner gas station may be like 20yrs old and for his first vehicle he bought a 250cc lil ninja and in just over a year he’s already had 3 accidents! First 2 times just screwed up the bike (once was totaled) and then 3rd accident not only totaled his second bike but also broke his arm in multiple spots to where he was outta work almost 3 months! No thanks not for me! :yoinks: :nono:
Quoting myself cuz forgot to add this but is my point exactly on not trusting the other drivers out on the roads here! Dude up at the corner gas station may be like 20yrs old and for his first vehicle he bought a 250cc lil ninja and in just over a year he’s already had 3 accidents! First 2 times just screwed up the bike (once was totaled) and then 3rd accident not only totaled his second bike but also broke his arm in multiple spots to where he was outta work almost 3 months! No thanks not for me! :yoinks: :nono:
Sounds like that guy should just stay away from bikes lol
Well errands to run and then I will hit the Unicorn properly, it is loaded and charged up, I hate dealing with people when stoned(a light buzz is ok) let alone bloto from the Unicorn.... :crying:

I did take a couple of light drags off it earlier, finishing off last nights remaining rosin in the Unicorn ....:headbang:

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