Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I run 18/6 with my lights out during the day they go off at 8am and back on a 2 pm all year :headbang:
Same as my schedule basically off from 10am to 4pm.

And with having only the led strips in the tent, there are times when additional heat from a little heater has been required, even during the plants lights on now that winter is starting! A down side in the search of efficiency??? LOL
Good morning my friend :d5::pass: doing well…..having coffee and dabs, trying to plan a little desert adventure for later on. How are you today?
Doing pretty good,kicking back in the easy chair watching the rain while hitting double grape from the Unicorn :headbang:

It's Caturday Stoners!

Looking in on Twenty20 Mendocino Ogreberry 2B day 60, and she is mid flower. Her trichomes are building in greater numbers this time and with a bit of luck an a controllable UV range (Ahem and a bit of C02) , just maybe I can encourage a vastly greater amount than before.


One thing I do to combat low rh is to not defoliate the bottom half of the plant…..having extra foliage down low will help keep some humidity close to the plant. I’ve never had a mold/mildew issue with this….and it seems to help the plants. When I say low rh…..we’re in the single digits part of the year….and 45% is considered high lol
Sweet thanks man. Ill keep that in mind. And mine is at 25 at the top of my tent and 35 at the bottom so like 30 or so. And my lung room is at 25 right now.
Same as my schedule basically off from 10am to 4pm.

And with having only the led strips in the tent, there are times when additional heat from a little heater has been required, even during the plants lights on now that winter is starting! A down side in the search of efficiency??? LOL
Yup I had removed the drivers this past summer to reduce heat and now I keep thinking about moving them back into tents to bring the heat up for the winter :joy:
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