Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Thanks @Mossy Happy caturday to you too!
I used to run mine on 20/4....with the off time during the DAY..when it was warmer......... :headbang:
Yup what frank said…. I follow the theory that’s plants need a night time what about running 20/4 give them some rest? I’ll try to find the video that MOG shared while back about plants needing rest

yeah I totally agree with the night at 18/6 right now at night still from summer ill have to do a little adjusting and go with your guys input. Thanks :d5: :smokeout: :smokeout:
That’s what I do….dark from 3:00-8:00 pm …..that’s when power is the most expensive too :pass:
Yep, mine are off from 2-8. Plants sleep while I work, less chance of something going wrong when I'm not here that way. @Shugrows. Id analyze how much more it will cost to run the lights for those extra hours vs getting a little heater for lights out and/or a small dehumidifier. Might be a little more upfront but could save $ over time if you run 4-6 hours less light each day.
Not necessarily….my rh is always ultra low and I don’t run one….and have no issues.

If the rh isn’t spiking during the dark period, you don’t have much to worry about. You can try shortening the dark period so it doesn’t get as cold….before going straight no dark period. I used to run 24/0 and the plants do fine….perhaps slightly smaller, but still healthy. It’s just a waste of electricity, and the plants do better with a dark period, even if it’s a short one. :pass:
glad im not the only one with low rh im going to 20/4 and during the day. this tent is just for flower so I dont mind the lower rh. my other “veg” tent stays around 60 rh.
Yep, mine are off from 2-8. Plants sleep while I work, less chance of something going wrong when I'm not here that way. @Shugrows. Id analyze how much more it will cost to run the lights for those extra hours vs getting a little heater for lights out and/or a small dehumidifier. Might be a little more upfront but could save $ over time if you run 4-6 hours less light each day.
I already run a little heater. I think if i just got 20/4 lights out during the day ill be alot more consistent with temps
glad im not the only one with low rh im going to 20/4 and during the day. this tent is just for flower so I dont mind the lower rh. my other “veg” tent stays around 60 rh.
One thing I do to combat low rh is to not defoliate the bottom half of the plant…..having extra foliage down low will help keep some humidity close to the plant. I’ve never had a mold/mildew issue with this….and it seems to help the plants. When I say low rh…..we’re in the single digits part of the year….and 45% is considered high lol
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