Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Man! Sure am glad our windy weather has blown away :haha: Something about cold wind makes my arthritis flare up in a particularly bad way…the kind of pain that sorta makes you want to attempt to remove your own face and put it in a waffle iron, just on the off chance it might help a little bit:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::pass:
Twenty20 Mendocino Ogreberry 2B tester is increasingly pushing up trichomes now as she heads into mid flower. I've decided to pull her Bat Guano nutes entirely at this point, and replace it with Neptune's Harvest liquid Fish and Seaweed until she's switched to full bloom nutes. Neptune's Harvest has a tendency to heighten aromas, more than likely due to the elevated Sulfur content in the organic mix. The last OB2 tester is extraordinarily loud, but I want to try an turn it up if it's possible.


Yup, that's why I just let her do her thing. I'm not holding back the rest of the tent for one plant in a packed tent.
My Knows Candy is a little light and moisture sensitive, but she's still a beast. I think she doesn't care for the moisture levels in an EB. I think with that and the light and she is right below the circ fan, has her leaves not looking as healthy as she should be. The lower leaves look MUCH better in shape. She still drinks a gallon in less than a day, so she's not hurting too bad. The question is how much better would she be if everything was to her liking? She's gonna be a longer running girl. I don't think she'll make 100, but it will be 90+.
That is why I made that funky parasol for the 3bog, I wasn't going to deprive the rest.
My CDLC is almost ready as well probably by this weekend she will get the chop, then the DG and the Wedding will go another 2 weeks(98 days) maybe.
I got one more mow to do and that'll be it till spring....
Mine was done yesterday! Now for today i may try to get the christmas yard decorations up! Need to check temps first tho cuz we got 3 days of 70’s coming up so it can wait few days til then if its chilly out!
Man! Sure am glad our windy weather has blown away :haha: Something about cold wind makes my arthritis flare up in a particularly bad way…the kind of pain that sorta makes you want to attempt to remove your own face and put it in a waffle iron, just on the off chance it might help a little bit:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::pass:
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