Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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They airlifted that bus out a few years back. Too many people died or got stranded trying to go there and see it :rolleyes1:

Took it to and "undisclosed" location until they could find somewhere permanent to display it. Hundreds of people saw where it went after they put it on a trailer and hauled it away though :rofl:
I hate Winter! Way too many years in tropical weather and Texas weather. Texas Weather, 78*F yesterday afternoon and 36*F this morning with the front that came thru. I did get good sleep last night with the pain, from the front coming thru, was off the charts. While working the girls last night, I was working on a cannacoffee. I finished it off with two mini-cupcakes with a dropper of infused MCT oil each.
Wasn't cats, light or exterior noise that woke me, it was me hollering when I rolled over. :face:
Yep, it is those drastic changes that makes the pain far worse for me as well,,,, but the major aches/hurts are surprisingly gone when we have the cold high fronts here, but I still have plenty of minor aches that thankfully the Unicorn and some grand daddy purple takes care of.....
They airlifted that bus out a few years back. Too many people died or got stranded trying to go there and see it :rolleyes1:

Took it to and "undisclosed" location until they could find somewhere permanent to display it. Hundreds of people saw where it went after they put it on a trailer and hauled it away though :rofl:
Yeah I heard thought there was a documentary :shrug::headbang:
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