Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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:pass: Morning folks :smokeout:

Morning fellas still burning wire :headbang:weather is shut rain and super windy so service is going in and out :cuss:
Crazy amazing band from your neck of the woods. San Antonio. They were anything but normal all the way around. Gibby, the singer etc, was an accountant! One of the craziest people I've ever met in rock and roll and one of the most inventive bands.Their shows would often go into complete chaos on and off the stage. Or in my opinion, bliss!
Interesting. Concerts are cool, but I really like clubs to get the best vibes from the experience. When I had to go to Austin for business, if I wasn't working, eating or sleeping, my ass was sitting in a club on 6th street. I got into that scene after seeing Stevie Ray Vaughn, well before he got wide fame. This was when he was striving to be like his big brother. I think he had already surpassed him in talent. I just loved watching him play! Just the way he seamlessly blended one rip into the next was amazing to see in person. I was dumbfounded and actually sad when he died. Such a crying fucking shame!
Cherry Gar Seee Ya in the books and smellin up the house even with a carbon filter in the cure room

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I LOVE to see the trics piling up on the edges of the sugar leaves!
It is possible to have been a seed issue, who knows. I would grow her again, but only with other 3bogs and not other strains, they are just temperamental about the amount of light they recieve, the Early Miss I grew in the past was also light temperamental :shrug:
Yup, that's why I just let her do her thing. I'm not holding back the rest of the tent for one plant in a packed tent.
My Knows Candy is a little light and moisture sensitive, but she's still a beast. I think she doesn't care for the moisture levels in an EB. I think with that and the light and she is right below the circ fan, has her leaves not looking as healthy as she should be. The lower leaves look MUCH better in shape. She still drinks a gallon in less than a day, so she's not hurting too bad. The question is how much better would she be if everything was to her liking? She's gonna be a longer running girl. I don't think she'll make 100, but it will be 90+.
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