Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I’ll just get a chest style deep freeze…..thanks :d5:
I've had chest style and uprights. I do like the upright better for organization. Things can 'get lost', so to speak, in chest style......................since I don't have Suki level organizational skills!

Hey Suki ! Glad to see you're back!!:headbang::headbang:
My house has radiators. Haven't bled them in years. No problems with them at all. The radiator in my kitchen as actually supposed to be some kinda super rare one. 1850s house. We can pour water into one side on the top and and bleeds to the other tops and acts as a humidifier and pie warmer. This thing is supposedly worth $20k :yoinks: Does make the kitchen nice and toasty :woohoo1:
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Oh that makes me want to come put a new coat of enamel on that thing lol
@Suki @Suki ...How is the Babe...and how is the guilty party........?
After further investigation it sounds like it was a legitimate accident caused by horseplay. She's been great and has stayed in relatively good spirits, pain level has been very low. Saw the ortho on Friday and they said she should be in the sling through this week but ok to go without after that. She didn't have much pain when they had her moving it at the Dr's besides some stiffness in the elbow and shoulder from having it immobilized which we've been doing Epsom baths to combat. The Dr said she should be fine to dance in Nutcracker but it's up to our discretion but of course she's bound and determined to stick with it so :shrug:
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View attachment 1540166 got that cold that the pressure cooker counted as subsiduary heating.......:chef:...winter has it's Blessings...........

Started on a pork rib stock....bolstered with carrot...turnip..onions...leeks.. celery...and lashings of white peper.........oh....and a packet of chicken livers that needed to be used up....

Soft enough you could suck all of it up with a Straw......:biggrin:.......Taste Bliss...:chef:
I miss real food. We've been eating out of the freezer or having takeout every day for what feels like an eternity now :face;
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